Day Hundred and Thirty-one

An Cansves Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens

De Sadorn, dewdhegves mis Me.  Pana jorna teg! Howl en mettin. Me a dhifünas en mettin avarr – thera edhyn o càna ha thera whans dhe’n kei a voas mes rag pisa. An kensa labm war an leur ew tydn dre reson a’m gwewen. Me a blegys dhe’n dor ha tochya cofer neythow. Lebmyn ma pedn tydn dhebm magata. Me a venja moas dhe Pensans rag cuntellyans adro dhe’n tavas Kernôwek, saw na aljama. Re bel ew. Et y le me eth dhe’n gwely arta rag pols bian. E’n dohajedh me eth mes rag troyl esy ha, elas, me a veu senjys en hager gawas.
Saturday, 12th May. What a lovely day! Morning sun. I woke early in the morning - birds were singing and the dog wanted to go out for a pee. The first step on the floor was painful because of my heel. I bent down and bumped into a chest-of-drawers. Now I have a sore head as well. I wanted to go to Penzance for a meeting about the Cornish language, but I couldn’t. It’s too far. Instead I went to bed again for a while. In the afternoon I went out for a gentle stroll and, alas, I was caught in a downpour.


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