Day Hundred and Twenty-eight

An Cansves Dedh Eth warn Ügens

De Merher, nawhes mis Me.  Ew hebma gwenton? Me eth (a wrüg moas) mes gen dew gei e’n dohajedh saw thera odhom dhebm a gota tòbm ha sarf godna. Pe liw o an mor? Pehen o ev? “Glas” ew liw an mor. Hedhyw ma hedna o styrrya (menya) nebes ehen a loos, brith (brithys) pecar’a brithel gen purpur ha gwer. Gwydn ha garow o min an mor drefen boas mar grev (ha yeyn) an gwens. An cloudys a rolyas dhort an mor tûa an pow ha’n glaw a godhas. Res veu dhen pònya  tre. Gwra fistena! Gwra tina an tòbmans!
Wednesday, 9th May. Is this spring? I did go out with two dogs in the afternoon but I needed a warm coat and a scarf. What colour was the sea? What was it like? “Glas” is the colour of the sea. Today that means several shades of grey, streaked like a mackerel with purple and green. The edge of the sea was white and rough because the wind was so strong (and cold). The clouds rolled from the sea towards the land and the rain fell. We had to run home. Hurry! Switch on the heating!


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