Day Three Hundred and Twenty-five

Trei Hansves Dedh Pemp warn Ügens

De Yow, nessa warn ügens mis Dû.
Thursday, 22nd November

 Nag eus odhom dhewgh a voas pell en Kernow dhe weles an liw melyn. Ma eythin o plejowa en neb le, en neb ke, en pub mis.  Ma lavar coth adro dhe eythin. Mars ew eythin mes a vlouth, ena baya ew mes an gis. Nei a wel blouth eythin en gwav, gwenton, hav ha kidnyadh. En gwenton ma whath moy flourys melyn dhe vos gweles: brially ha solsow (lily an Corawys). Ma gwelyow gen milyow a flourys melyn, gonethys rag flourys trehys po rag aga crenwredhow. Ma medhegneth dhort solsow ewedh – fysek rag sowdhan henys (dementia).  

You do not need to go far in Cornwall to see the colour yellow. Gorse is flowering somewhere, in some hedge, in every month. There is an old saying about gorse. If gorse is out of blossom, then kissing is out of fashion. We see gorse blossom in winter, spring, summer and autumn. In spring there are even more yellow flowers to be seen: primroses and daffodils (Lenten lilies). There are fields with thousands of yellow flowers, cultivated for cut flowers or for their bulbs. There is a medicine from daffodils as well – a treatment for dementia.


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