2020 Day 298
2020 Dedh
Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Etek
De Sadorn,
pajwora warn ügens mis Hedra
Saturday, 24th October
Nag ew da an gewer hedhyw. Glaw a wra oll an jorna.
Ma dowr ow resek an to gweder war nans. Ma mir discler ha deformys dhe’n wedhen
a-dâl. Na vedh pres vas rag kerdhes, etho res ew dhebm cavos neppeth aral dhe
wül (a-der scrifa). Martesen gwians gwlân alja bos an digolm. Bes ma dilhas
lower et ow gwisgdy rag an present termyn, etho nag eus othom dhebm a wia veth môy.
Thew hebma frâwk glas gwres ragam gans ow mabm nanj ew lies bledhen. Ma gwlânweyth
ow türya pell – otta an keth frâwk en nawnjek cans trei ügens ha pemp. Hedna
veu ow kensa pres en Kernow. Martesen my a vedn gwil diwedh dhe’n pictour gwlânek
ma – pandra wra vy gwil ganjo?
The weather today is not good. It’s raining all
day. There is water coursing down the glass roof. The tree opposite looks
blurred and misshapen. There won’t be a good time for walking, so I have to
find something else to do (apart from writing). Perhaps knitting would be the
solution. But I have enough clothes in my wardrobe for now, so I don’t need to
knit any more. This is a blue jumper made for me many years ago by my mother.
Knitwear lasts a long time – here’s the same jumper in 1965. That was my first
time in Cornwall. Perhaps I’ll finish this woolly picture – what shall I make
with it?
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words
for today
a-dâl opposite, facing
a-der apart from
deformys misshapen, deformed
digolm (m) solution
discler blurred, unclear
frâwk (m) jumper, sweater, jersey, etc.
gweder (made of) glass
gwisgdy (m) wardrobe
gwlânweyth (m) knitwear
resek to run, course, race
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