2022 Day 322

 2022 Dedh Trei Hans ha Dew warn Ügens

De Gwener, etegves mis Dû

Friday, 18th November

Gwell o an jedh hedhyw. Nag o an mor dû po loos, bes brith o. Spladn o an howl, saw nag o va pur ûhel. Na alja nei gweles an howl, saw gòlow o an cloudys avel arhans. Nei alja gweles le an howl dhort an cloudys gwydn. Aljo whei ajon gwedhen der hy shâp? Otta derowen ha enwedhen. An enwedhen a gollas oll hy del solabres, saw ma del whath war an dherowen. An del ma dhort gwedhen deffrans ew tecka.

The day was better today. The sea was not black or grey, but striped. The sun was bright, but it was not very high. We couldn't see the sun, but the clouds were bright as silver. We could see the position of the sun from the white clouds. Can you identify a tree by its shape? Here are an oak tree and an ash tree. The ash tree has already lost its leaves, but there are still leaves on the oak tree. These leaves from a different tree are more beautiful.


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