2022 Day 363

2022 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Trei

De Yow, nawhes warn ügens mis Kevardhû

Thursday, 29th December

Ma greun rüdh dhe'n kelyn, bes na ellen nei aga debry. Da lowr ens rag edhyn. En gwav, terweythyow ma whans dhebm a dhebry mor rüdh bes nag ew an sêson còmpes rag mor cala (po sevy) ha moyar rüdh. E'n gwelha pres, my ell perna frûtys an hav rewys. Nag ens mar dha avel frûtys er, saw thens gwell avel tra veth. Warlergh tradicyon, thera nei ow tebry sows ys rüdh gen yar Gyny, saw nag era vy ow tebry kig ha nag eus sows dhebm. My alja cawas ys rüdh sehys. Nei ell perna lies ehen a vor an hav sehys keffres ha'n re rewys.

The holly has red berries, but we can't eat them. They are OK for birds. In winter, sometimes I want to eat red berries but it's not the right season for strawberries (or wild strawberries) and raspberries. Fortunately I can buy frozen summer fruits. They are not as good as fresh fruit, but they are better than nothing. Traditionally, we eat cranberry sauce with turkey, but I do not eat meat and I have no sauce. I could get dried cranberries. We can buy many types of dried summer berries as well as those frozen. 


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