2024 Day 180
De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Efen
Friday, 28th June
Terweythyow thew an gewer re dòbm raga vy. Ow crohen ew re vlemm ha my a lesk re esy. Da via genam bos nebes liwys gen an howl, bes na vadna vy bos howlleskys. Ma othom dhebm a'n vitamin D bes na via da bos cowlleskys! Ma bestes erel na venja bos cowlleskys. Trigys ens en cocounys scroffek a whethfiansow an dowr en eythinen. Henwys ew "trefyas an gog", saw nag eus gog dhe vos gwelys na clowys, ha nag ew trefyas. Da ew ganjans an niwl dhort an mor. My ewedh! Er ew.
Sometimes the weather is too hot for me. My skin is too pale and I burn too easily. I'd like to be somewhat suntanned (coloured by the sun), but I will not be sunburnt. I need the vitamin D but it wouldn't be good to be burnt up! There are other animals that wouldn't like to be burnt up. They live in frothy cocoons of bubbles in a gorse bush. It's called "cuckoo spit", but there is no cuckoo to be seen or heard, and it is not spit. They like the mist from the sea. Me too! It is fresh.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
clowys heard (SWFM klewys)
cocounys cocoons < cocoun (m)
cowlleskys burnt up (SWFM kowlleskys)
crohen (f) skin, hide, etc. (SWFM kroghen)
howlleskys sunburnt, tanned
re dòbm too hot < tòbm (SWFM tomm)
re vlemm too pale, pallid < blemm
scroffek frothy
trefyas an gog (m) cuckoo spit
whethfiansow an dowr bubbles
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