2024 Day 204
De Lün, nessa warn ügens mis Gorefen
Monday, 22nd July
Comolek ew hei hedhyw. Thew an ebòrn gorherys. Disliw ew an ebòrn ha'n mor, maga loos avel lüjiw. Hav a dal bos leun a liw. E'n gwelha pres, ma flourys spladn et agan lowarthow ha'n keow. Nag eus lagas e'n ebòrn bes ma lagas codhys et ow lowarth. Da ew genam ow bush hydrangea brâs - my a'n gònas dhort trogh bian (nanj ew nebes bledhydnyow). My a res kemeres trogh nowydh rag chei nowydh. Ma Montbretia (Whednen Kernow) ow tevy avel whenn heb gweres.
It's cloudy today. The sky is overcast. The sky and the sea are faded, as grey as ashes. Summer should be colourful. Fortunately, there are bright flowers in our gardens and the hedges. There's no patch of blue in the sky but a patch of blue sky has fallen in my garden. I like my big hydrangea bush - I grew it from a little cutting (several years ago). I must take a new cutting for a new house. Montbretia (the Cornish Weed) grows as weeds without help.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
comolek cloudy, overcast (SWFM komolek)
disliw faded, pale, dull, drab
e'n gwelha pres fortunately
gorherys covered, overcast
lagas (m) patch of blue sky (lit. eye)
leun a liw colourful, full of colour
lowarthow gardens < lowarth ~ lowarh (m)
lüjiw (col.) ashes (SWFM lusu)
trogh (m) cutting, slice < (vb.) trehy to cut
whednen (f) weed (SWFM hwennen) < whenn (col.)
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