2025 Dedh Seyth warn Ügens
De Lün, seythves warn ügens mis Genver
Monday, 27th January
Da ew genam scrifa, bes pandr'eus whans dhe redyoryon dhe weles? A dal vy scrifa a'n gewer? My a glowas dew grak taran e'n nos ha hedhyw meur a law a wra. Ew da ow bestes gen pobel? Anjei a venja helghy an taran - mons ow pònya adro dhe'n lowarth y whilas! Po nag eus taran mons ow whilas neppeth aral dhe helghy (heb cacha tra veth). Da ew genam an edhyn ha flourys, saw na venjama bos sqwithüs. Eus othom dhe nebonan a dhesky lies ger nowydh? Ew henwyn teleryow mater da? A ero whei gosowes ort an nowodhow war an radyo? Da via genam cawas tabm gorrybans. Otta devyn dhort an Beybel Sans: "Tho vy lev onan eus ow carma e'n gwylfos!"
I like to write, but what do readers want to see? Should I write of the weather? I heard two thunder claps in the night and today it's raining a lot. Do people like my animals? They would like to hunt the thunder - they run around the garden looking for it! If there's no thunder they look for something else to chase (without catching anything). I like the birds and flowers, but I wouldn't like to be tiresome. Does someone need to know a lot of new words? Are place names a good topic? Do you listen to the news on the radio? I'd like to get a bit of feedback. Here's a quote from the Bible: "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness!"
Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today
garma to cry, shout (g>c)
gorrybans (m) feedback
gwylfos ~ gwelfos (m) wilderness
helghy to hunt, chase
lev (m) voice
othom (m) need
pònya to run
sqwithüs tiresome, tiring, boring
taran (m) thunder
whans (m) want
whilas to seek, look for
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