Day Hundred and Fifty
An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Deg De Yow ew, an üdnegves dedh warn ügens a vis Me. It’s Thursday, the 31 st day of May. Hedhyw ew dedh an diwettha a vis Me. Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a vis Efan. Ma pedn an seythen o toas. Trenja a vedh an pednseythen. Arwòdh an Zodiak an Horr (Hordh) a worfednas an nawnjegves mis Ebrel, an Tarow a dhallathas an ügensves mis Ebrel. Today is the last day of May. Tomorrow will be the first day of June. The end of the week in coming. The day after tomorrow will be the weekend. Zodiac sign Aries ended on 19 th April, Taurus started on 20 th April.