
Showing posts from May, 2018

Day Hundred and Fifty

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Deg De Yow ew, an üdnegves dedh warn ügens a vis Me. It’s Thursday, the 31 st day of May. Hedhyw ew dedh an diwettha a vis Me. Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a vis Efan. Ma pedn an seythen o toas. Trenja a vedh an pednseythen. Arwòdh an Zodiak an Horr (Hordh) a worfednas an nawnjegves mis Ebrel, an Tarow a dhallathas an ügensves mis Ebrel.  Today is the last day of May. Tomorrow will be the first day of June. The end of the week in coming. The day after tomorrow will be the weekend. Zodiac sign Aries ended on 19 th April, Taurus started on 20 th April.

Day Hundred and Forty-nine

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Naw De Merher ew, an degves dedh warn ügens a vis Me. It’s Wednesday, the 30 th day of May. An gewer hedhyw nag o da. Thera odhom dhebm a lawlen ha cota stanch en tevry. Tho an gewer war an als noor an keth ha’n gewer war an als soth – gleb ha tewl. The weather today was not good. I certainly needed an umbrella and raincoat. The weather on the north coast was the same as the weather on the south coast – wet and gloomy. E veu areth gen Jesse Foot e’n universita (e’n soth), ha dadhel òja hedna, adro dhe honanieth a Gernow. Pur dhe les o. There was a talk by Jesse Foot at the university (in the south), and a discussion after that, about Cornish identity. It was very interesting.

Day Hundred and Forty-eight

An Cansves Dedh Dogans hag Eth De Meurth, nawhes warn ügens mis Me. Tuesday, 29 th May. Üdn dedh besy moy! Me eth gans o mergh dhe’n cita (Truru). Cita vian ew hei, gen shoppys ha peneglos. Saw nag era termyn lowr dhebm dhe varhasna po gordhya.  One more busy day! I went with my daughter to the city (Truro). It’s a small city, with shops and a cathedral. But I didn’t have enough time to go shopping or worship.  Me eth dhe weres dhe’n vergh wydn vy. Ma dhedhy baby nowydh ha pur skith ew hei. Lebmyn skith o vy ewedh!   Nos da! I went to help my granddaughter. She has a new baby and she is very tired. Now I am tired as well! Good night!

Day Hundred and Forty-seven

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Seyth De Lün, ethves warn ügens mis Me. Monday, 28 th May. Mettyn avarr ew lebmyn ha skith oma whath. Me a gòscas drog de Sadorn dre reson a’n hager awel. Na wrüga vy còsca da newher naneyl. It’s early morning now and I am still tired. I slept badly on Saturday because of the storm. I did not sleep well last night either. Ma dhe’n flehes wydn pâsow drog ha anjei a bâsas a-dhiwedhes e’n nos. Pur holergh o pa wrüga vy codha en còsk. The grandchildren have bad coughs and they coughed late into the night. It was very late when I fell asleep. Nena, ken whegh ar glogh, o mergh wydn a dhifünas. Hei a venja debry tabm brodnyon rag haunsel ha mires ort tele.     Then, before six o’clock, my granddaughter woke up. She wanted to eat a bit of porridge for breakfast and watch TV. Ma hy broder o còsca whath. Da via genam còsca magata, saw na ellama. Her brother is still sleeping. I should like to sleep as well, but I can’t.

Day Hundred and Forty-six

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Whegh De Sül, seythves warn ügens mis Me. Hedhyw o jorna pur vesy. Tüs a wrüg doas ha tüs a wrüg moas. Agan omweloryon eth alebma òja dijunih broas. Mowns o moas dhe Spayn. Agan mab hag y drei flehes a dhabras li genen. Nena anjei eth tre. Mowns o moas dhe Bow Densher avorow rag degol. Thera dhen dew our rag cawas powes. Nena agan mergh a dheuth gans hy flehes. Anjei a venja cawas con. Ma’n flehes o còrtos obma rag an nos. Me re fittya boos oll an jorna, car dre hevel. Sunday, 27 th May. Today was a very busy day. People came and people went. Our visitors went away after a big breakfast. They are going to Spain. Our son and his three children ate lunch with us. Then they went home.   They are going to Devon tomorrow for a holiday. We had two hours to have a rest. Then our daughter came with her children. They wanted to have supper. The children are staying here for the night. I have been preparing food all day, so it seems.

Day Hundred and Forty-five

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Pemp De Sadorn, wheffes warn ügens mis Me. E’n dohajedh nei a gerras (gerdhas) dhe’n Ty war’n Heyl. Thera glaw o tegensewa, etho nei a gemeras cotys stanch ha glawlednow genen. Hei a wrüg glaw, rag hedna thera odhom dhen anodhans.  An düs eth dhe’n tavern dhe vires orth rugby ha’n benenes eth dhe’n shoppas ha perna dehen rew, lever ha scarf. Thera an gewer o treylya lacka ha nei o kerras tre. Lebmyn, gordhûher ew ha ma hager awel. Fatl’üjy colôwy ha tredna!  Ma own dhe’n kei. Ma va o plattya dadn an gwely.   Saturday, 26 th May. In the afternoon we walked to Perranporth. Rain was threatening, so we took raincoats and umbrellas with us. It did rain, so we needed them. The men went to the pub to watch rugby and the women went to the shops and bought ice cream, a book and a scarf. The weather was getting worse as we walked home. Now, it’s evening and there is a storm. How it lightens and thunders! The dog is scared. It is hiding under the bed...

Day Hundred and Forty-four

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Pajer De Gwener ew, pempes warn ügens mis Me. Nei a troyllyas dhe Falmeth gans o hôr wheg et hy harr nowydh. Nag o an jorna re dòbm ha nag o an jorna re yeyn. Nag o an howl pur spladn ha nag o an gwens pur grev. Nei a savas war Benn Dinas ogas dhe Gastel Pendinas rag mires adro ha debry dehen rew. Nei a lagyas e’n mor reb Treth Castel ha drivya dres trethow erel. Na veu meur a bobel war an treth hedhyw drefen nag ew degolyow hav whath. Ma’n flehes whath en scol.   Thera nebes teylûyow gen flehes bian ha thera lies tüs coth et aga herry. It’s Friday, 25 th May. We went on an outing to Falmouth with my sister-in-law in her new car. The day wasn’t too hot and the day wasn’t too cold. The sun wasn’t very bright and the wind wasn’t very strong. We stood on Pendennis Point near Pendennis Castle to look around and eat ice cream. We paddled in the sea by Castle Beach and drove past other beaches. There weren’t many people on the beach today because it’s...

Day Hundred and Forty-three

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Trei De Yow ew, an pajwora dedh warn ügens a vis Me. Agan vicitors eth dhe Truru hedhyw.   Perhednyon shoppa tegednow ew aswonys dhodhans, ha anjei eth dh’aga salüjy. Òja hedna anjei a viras orth an peneglos (eglos teg). It’s Thursday, the 24 th day of May. Our visitors went to Truro today. They know the owners of a jewellery shop and they went to greet them. After that they looked at the cathedral.

Day Hundred and Forty-two

An Cansves Dedh Dogans ha Dew De Merher ew, an tryja dedh warn ügens a vis Me. Ma kerdhys genam re bel ha ma troos tydn dhebm arta. Thera vy o còrtos tre ha’n gour vy a wrüg moas dhe Dewyn Plustry gans agan ostyjy. Anjei a vedn kerres (kerdhes) war an treth ha’n aljow (alsyow) a-hes. Anjei a vedn gweles crow an “huer” war Benn Tewyn. Martesen anjei a wra debry tesen “hevva”! Ma gwres genam eth pasty rag pres con: peder cofen gig bôwen ha pajer hogen heb kig. Ha lebmyn sedhys o vy e’n losowjy, o threys war scavel droos. it’s Wednesday, the 23 rd day of May. I have walked too far and I have a sore foot again. I am staying home and my husband has gone to Newquay with our guests. They will walk along the beach and the coast. They will see the Huer’s Hut on Towan Head. Perhaps they will eat hevva cake! I have made eight pasties for supper time: four beef pasties and four vegetarian pasties. And now I am sitting in the conservatory, my feet on a footstool.

Day Hundred and Forty-One

An Cansves Dedh Dogans hag Onan De Meurth, nessa warn ügens mis Me. Pana jorna teg! Thera fesont teg war agan glesin. Nag eus lev teg dhodho. En mettin nei a gerras (gerdhas) e’n pow adro gen agan cothmans, en gwelyow awarha (awartha). Nei alja gweles an mor war tûa noor, ha war tûa west nei alja gweles Bre Anek. Planjys ew oll an gwelyow gen ys, martesen gen barlys rag brihy. Nei a glowas melwhesas (awhesedhas) o càna.   Tuesday, 22 nd May. What a beautiful day! There was a beautiful pheasant on our lawn. He doesn’t have a beautiful voice. In the morning we walked in the countryside with our friends, in the fields above. We could see the sea towards the north, and towards the west we could see St Agnes Beacon. All the fields are planted with corn, perhaps with barley for brewing. We heard skylarks singing.

Day Hundred and Forty

An Cansves Dedh ha Dogans (Dew Ügens) De Lün, kensa warn ügens mis Me. Üdn jorna teg moy. Dalla teg a seythen deg, ma esperans dhebm. Thera nei o qwachas (qwaytyas) omweloryon dhort Zealand Nowydh. Hedn ew pow pur deg. A wra anjei trouvya Kernow dhe voas pow pur deg ewedh? Cowetha goth ens. Me a vetyas ganjans nanjew moy es dogans bledhen. Mowns o toas gen tren dhort Pow an Sowson. Anjei a wrüg mettya gans o noyth en mettin dhe gawas coffy ken kemeres aga thren. Hei a wrüg triga ganjans en aga chei termyn hei veu yonk. Monday, 21 st May. One more lovely day. A lovely start of a lovely week, I hope. We are expecting visitors from New Zealand. That is a very beautiful country. Will they find Cornwall (to be) a very beautiful country too? They are old friends. I met them more than forty years ago. They are coming by train from England. They met my niece in the morning to have coffee, before catching their train. She stayed with them in their house when she was young.

Day Hundred and Thirty-nine

An Cansves Dedh Nawnjek warn Ügens De Sül, ügensves mis Me. An jedh hedhyw ew Pencost. Ma va seyth de Sül òja Du Pask, henn ew hanter cans dedh warbarth gen Pask. Ma Pencost o menya an degves dedh ha dogans (warlergh an tavas Grekyan). Sunday, 20 th May. The day today is Pentecost. It is seven Sundays after Easter Day, that is fifty days together with Easter. Pentecost means the fiftieth day (according to the Greek language).

Day Hundred and Thirty-eight

An Cansves Dedh Etek warn Ügens De Sadorn ew, an nawnjegves dedh a vis Me. Pana jorna teg! An howl a spladnas mettin, hanter dedh, dohajedh ha gordhûher ha nag era commel na niwl veth. Prins a veu demedhys, o gour a drohas an glesin gans y jynn-mejy ha me a wrüg golhy ledn e’n jynn-golhy. Re dòbm o raga vy dhe obery e’n lowarth. An ledn a sehas pur üskis war an linen. Me a welas an loor e’n eborn blou; gwarek (crobmen) ew lebmyn. Ma hei o cressya. Thera loor nowydh an pemdhegves Mis Me, an kensa qwarter a vedh an nessa warn ügens hag e vedh loor leun an nawhes warn ügens. It’s Saturday, the 19 th day of May. What a beautiful day! The sun shone morning, noon, afternoon and evening. A prince was married, my husband cut the lawn with his mower and I washed a blanket in the washing machine. It was too hot for me to work in the garden. The blanket dried very quickly on the line. I saw the moon in the blue sky; it’s a crescent now. It is waxing. There was a new moon on 15 th May, t...

Day Hundred and Thirty-seven

De Gwener ew, an etegves dedh a vis Me. Dedh truedhek ew raga vy. Nanj ew trei bledhen warn ügens o dama veurgerys vy a verwas. Thera diw vergh wydn ha dew vab wydn dhedhy, saw na wrüg hei besca (byscath) gweles o flehes wydn vy (teyr mergh wydn ha pemp mab wydn). Me a welas an mab wydn o mergh vy degensete. Baby münys ew ev. Ma dhe’n baby modrep whegh bloodh coth hag ownter bes pajer bloodh coth. Me o honan, me a veu genys bes whegh bledhen kens o noyth. Üdn dhama goth hag üdn dhama yonk. Thew o noyth pecar’a hôr dhebm hag o hôr o pecar’a second mabm. Pana sowdhan! It’s Friday, the 18 th day of May. It’s a sad day for me. Twenty-three years ago my beloved mother died. She had two granddaughters and two grandsons, but she never saw my grandchildren (three granddaughters and five grandsons). I saw my daughter’s grandson the day before yesterday. He’s a tiny baby. The baby has a six-year-old aunty and an uncle only four years old. Myself, I was born only six years before my niece ...

Day Hundred and Thirty-six

An Cansves Dedh Whetek warn Ügens De Yow, seytegves mis Me.   Skith o vy! Me a wra scrifa moy avorow. Lebmyn ma odhom dhebm a còsk. Thursday, 17 th May. I’m tired! I’ll write more tomorrow. Now I need sleep.

Day Hundred and Thirty-five

An Cansves Dedh Pemdhek warn Ügens De Merher, whetegves mis Me.   Discüdhys ew genam cowl ibuprofen, etho nebes gwell ew o gwewen – le tydn ew hei. Me ell kerdhes gen gwelen. Nag üjy hedna (owth) assoylya o problem aral. Nag üjy va (owth) owna o argrafer. Coth ew an jynn, pur goth. Na ellama trouvya an keth patron na moy. Ma odhom dhebm a berna argrafer nowydh. Soweth! Ma dhebm enk (ynk) lowr whath. Hebma a vedh towlys dhe goll. Wednesday, 16 th May. I have discovered ibuprofen gel, so my heel is a bit better – it is less painful. I can walk with a stick. That doesn’t solve my other problem. It does not mend my printer. The machine is old, very old. I can’t find the same model any more. I need to buy a new printer. What a pity! I still have plenty of ink. This will be wasted (thrown to loss).

Day Hundred and Thirty-four

An Cansves Dedh Peswardhek warn Ügens De Meurth, pemdhegves mis Me.   Crowsek o vy! An argrafer vy a wrüg fyllel. Ma cuntellyans avorow ha ma odhom dhebm a argrafa o derivas. Saw, cothmans dhe’n sawder. Tuesday, 15 th May. I’m cross! My printer has gone wrong. I have a meeting tomorrow and I need to print my report. But, friends to the rescue.

Day Hundred and Thirty-three

An Cansves Dedh Terdhek warn Ügens   De L ün , pajerdegves mis Me. Mettin pur drosüs ew. Ma cülyek o creia en bargen tir en ogas ha ma payon o carma dhe’y bayes e’n lowarth kentrevek. Et agan shymbla coth ma chôkys o neythy, cravas ha renky. En avalen ma colomednow coos hag en keow ma lies ehen deffrans a edhyn. Me ell clowes mola dhû, mola loos ha rüdhek o càna oll. En neb le ma gòlvadnas ha heckamolas erel. E’n garth ma’n kei o tenjel tabm a günys. Monday, 14 th May. It’s a very noisy morning. A cockerel is crowing in a nearby farm and a peacock is calling out to his peahen in a neighbour’s garden. In our old chimney there are jackdaws nesting, scrabbling and cawing. In an apple tree there are wood pigeons and in hedges there are many different types of birds. I can hear a blackbird, a song thrush and a robin all singing. Somewhere there are sparrows and other dickybirds. In the yard the dog is chewing a bit of firewood.

Day Hundred and Thirty-two

An Cansves Dedh Dewdhek warn Ügens De Sül, terdhegves mis Me.   Dedh diek. Me a wras an leha possybyl. Jorna teg o, ha me a senjas an howl. Sunday, 13 th May. Lazy day. I did the least possible. It was a lovely day, and I enjoyed the sun.

Day Hundred and Thirty-one

An Cansves Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens De Sadorn, dewdhegves mis Me.   Pana jorna teg! Howl en mettin. Me a dhifünas en mettin avarr – thera edhyn o càna ha thera whans dhe’n kei a voas mes rag pisa. An kensa labm war an leur ew tydn dre reson a’m gwewen. Me a blegys dhe’n dor ha tochya cofer neythow. Lebmyn ma pedn tydn dhebm magata. Me a venja moas dhe Pensans rag cuntellyans adro dhe’n tavas Kernôwek, saw na aljama. Re bel ew. Et y le me eth dhe’n gwely arta rag pols bian. E’n dohajedh me eth mes rag troyl esy ha, elas, me a veu senjys en hager gawas. Saturday, 12 th May. What a lovely day! Morning sun. I woke early in the morning - birds were singing and the dog wanted to go out for a pee. The first step on the floor was painful because of my heel. I bent down and bumped into a chest-of-drawers. Now I have a sore head as well. I wanted to go to Penzance for a meeting about the Cornish language, but I couldn’t. It’s too far. Instead I went to bed again for a while. In the aft...

Day Hundred and Thirty

An Cansves Dedh Deg warn Ügens   De Gwener, üdnegves mis Me. Gwenton ew en dhiogel, saw nag ew hav – hedna ew tra sür. Ma gwens yeyn arta hag e veu dhen hager gowas a law. Thera vy (owth) omglowes yeyn – rag hedna ma dew frauk dhebm. Calish ew an bêwnans rag preves. Nag ew gwens ha glaw da ganjans. Trûedhek o vy de – me a welas dran o whiles flour – neb flour – war drenewen an vorr. E’n gwettha pres, na wrüg ev gavas flour veth – oll an planjow, oll an flourys comprehendys, a veu trehys dhe’n dor gen nebonan. Thera deveth reb an vorr.     Friday, 11 th May. It is indeed spring, but it’s not summer – that’s a certainty. There’s a cold wind again and we had a very heavy shower of rain. I’m feeling cold – so I have two jumpers. Life is hard for insects. They don’t like wind and rain. I was sad yesterday – I saw a bumble-bee looking for a flower – any flower – on the side of the road. Unfortunately, it didn’t find a single flower – all the plants, including all the f...

Day Hundred and Twenty-nine

An Cansves Dedh Naw warn Ügens De Yow ew, an degves dedh a vis Me.   Me a veu cabmgemerys! Thew gwenton heb dout a’n dra. Me a gerdhes dhe’n dre en golow an howl ha na wrüga vy degy frauk! Me a welas nebes tickias Duw – moy es onan e’n keth telher. Me a veu lowen rag teken. E’n gwettha pres, nag ens an keth ehen. It’s Thursday, the tenth day of May. I was mistaken! Without doubt it is spring. I walked to the village in sunlight and I didn’t wear a jumper!   I saw several butterflies – more than one in the same place. I was happy for a while. Unfortunately, they weren’t the same species.

Day Hundred and Twenty-eight

An Cansves Dedh Eth warn Ügens De Merher, nawhes mis Me.  Ew hebma gwenton? Me eth (a wrüg moas) mes gen dew gei e’n dohajedh saw thera odhom dhebm a gota tòbm ha sarf godna. Pe liw o an mor? Pehen o ev? “Glas” ew liw an mor. Hedhyw ma hedna o styrrya (menya) nebes ehen a loos, brith (brithys) pecar’a brithel gen purpur ha gwer. Gwydn ha garow o min an mor drefen boas mar grev (ha yeyn) an gwens. An cloudys a rolyas dhort an mor tûa an pow ha’n glaw a godhas. Res veu dhen pònya  tre. Gwra fistena! Gwra tina an tòbmans! Wednesday, 9 th May. Is this spring? I did go out with two dogs in the afternoon but I needed a warm coat and a scarf. What colour was the sea? What was it like? “Glas” is the colour of the sea. Today that means several shades of grey, streaked like a mackerel with purple and green. The edge of the sea was white and rough because the wind was so strong (and cold). The clouds rolled from the sea towards the land and the rain fell. We had to run home. Hurry...

Day Hundred and Twenty-seven

An Cansves Dedh Seyth warn Ügens De Meurth, ethves mis Me.   Niwl? Ligyn? Mûsek? Cobmol isel? Na ora vy. Me or (a wor) dr’o gleb an mettin ha thera odhom dhebm a gota stanch ha glawlen. Saw codhys gleb o vy bettegens drefen boas pur fin an glaw. Devedhys o va dadn o glawlen. Ha ogas dhe’n mor en Ty war’n Heyl pur wenjek o, ha’n lawlen a veu whethys tû bera a ves. Nag eus glawlen dhebm na moy.   E’n gwella pres nag era odhom dhebm a lawlen (po cota stanch) e’n dohajedh – an howl a spladnas. Re dòbm o vy! Tuesday, 8 th May. Fog? Mist? Light drizzle? Low cloud? I don’t know. I know the morning was wet and I needed a raincoat and an umbrella. But I got wet anyway because the rain was very fine. It came under my umbrella. And near the sea in Perranporth it was very windy, and the umbrella was blown inside-out. I no longer have an umbrella. Luckily I didn’t need an umbrella (or a raincoat) in the afternoon – the sun shone. I was too hot!    

Day Hundred and Twenty-six

An Cansves Dedh Whegh warn Ügens   De Lün, seythves mis Me. Todn tòbmder? En Ty war’n Heyl? Hedhyw? Thero whei a cül ges. Therowgh o jestya. Me a wrüg degy frauk dres oll an jorna. Thera dhe nei niwl arta, niwl dhort an mor, ha yeyn lowr o an jedh. Ma clowys genam dro hei tòbm en Pow an Sowson – saw nag o hei tòbm obma. Me a wrüg gonis nebes has e’n lowarth. A wra anjei tevy? Ma esperans dhebm. Monday, 7 th May. Heat wave? In Perranporth? Today? You are joking. You are jesting. I wore a jumper through the whole day. We had mist again, mist from the sea, and the day was quite cool. I have heard that it was hot in England – but it was not hot here. I sowed some seeds in the garden. Will they grow? I hope so.

Day Hundred and Twenty-five

An Cansves Dedh Pemp warn Ügens De Sül, wheffes mis Me.   Niwlek o e’n mettyn, gen niwl mor, bes leskys dhe ves o va gen an howl e’n cres an jedh. Tòbm o hei. Pur deg o an gewer e’n dohajedh, nena an niwl a rolyas tre dhe’m lowarth arta, dhort an mor. Nebes yeyn o. Sunday, 6 th May. It was misty in the morning, with sea mist, but it was burnt away by the sun in the middle of the day. It was hot. The weather was very lovely in the afternoon, then the mist rolled back to my garden again, from the sea. It was quite cold.

Day Hundred and Twenty-four

An Cansves Dedh Pajar warn Ügens De Sadorn, pempes mis Me. Ass ew teg o lôwarth en mis Me! Maga leun a liw ew ev avel cabmdhavas. Pehen ew cabmdhavas? Ma rüdh, rüdhvelyn, melyn, gwer, blou, indigo ha purpur etto. Et o lôwarth ma dhebm camellias, brially, lies dans lew, alsanders, bleujyow an gog ha mellyon. Saturday, 5 th May. How beautiful my garden is in May. It’s as colourful as a rainbow. What’s a rainbow like? There’s red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet in it. In my garden I have camellias, primroses, many dandelions, alexanders, bluebells and violets.

Day Hundred and Twenty-three

An Cansves Dedh Trei warn Ügens De Gwener, pajwora mis Me. Nag eus bes peder mynysen a’n jorna ma gerys. Pe le wrüga va moas? Me a gerdhes adro dhe’n lowarth – gen Maddie (an kei) – ha gen caletter broas (drefen boas galar dhe’n troos vy). Me a dednas emann nebes whenen ha gwels hir dhe rei dhe’n cònidnas.   Me a lanhas cawal an cònidnas ha gorra scobmow predn ha gorra nowydh etto. Me a fittyas prejyow ha golhy fraukys. Me a fônyas o mergh wydn (ma hei chei lebmyn). Me a viras ort pellwolok. Eus nekevys neb tra genam? Dres lycklod. An jorna a dremenas. Friday, 4 th May. There are only four minutes of this day left. Where did it go? I walked round the garden – with Maddie (the dog) – and with great difficulty (because my foot hurt). I pulled up some weeds and long grass to give to the rabbits. I cleaned the rabbits’ cage and put wood chips and new hay in it. I cooked meals and washed jumpers. I phoned my granddaughter (she’s home now). I watched TV. Have I forgotten someth...

Day Hundred and Twenty-two

An Cansves Dedh Dew warn Ügens De Yow ew, an tryja dedh a vis Me. Nag era glaw veth, en gwella pres. Me eth dhe’n clojy arta. Fortüdnyes o vy – me alja kerres dhe’n dre. Nebes ownys ew o gwewen vrewys – nag o vy heb galar veth, bes me alja gorra an eyl troos derag y gila. Me a welas o mergh wydn arta. Moy lôwen o hei – nebes le melen ew hy mab. Nag eus odhom na moy a wolow blou. Martesen anjei ell moas tre avorow – kens pedn an seythen. It’s Thursday, the third day of May. There wasn’t any rain, fortunately. I went to the hospital again. I was lucky – I could walk to the village. My bruised heal was slightly mended – I wasn’t without any pain at all, but I could put one foot in front of the other. I saw my granddaughter again. She was happier – her son is less yellow. There is no more need of blue light. Perhaps they can go home tomorrow – before the end of the week.

Day Hundred and Twenty-one

 An Cansves Dedh Onan warn Ügens De Merher ew, an nessa dedh a vis Me. An howl a spladnas oll an jedh, saw yeyn o an gwens. Res o dhebm moas dhe’n clojy (clavjy) en Truro. Ma cleves melen dhe’n mab bian o mergh wydn. Genys ew ev re arvis ha lebmyn ma odhom dhodho a sawment specyal gen golow glas. Me eth dhe gonfortya o mergh wydn. Thera caletter dhebm o honan. Ma losk ha galar dhebm et o throos cledh, ha calish ew dhe gerdhes. Me a vedn moas arta avorow, mars ellama. It’s Wednesday, the second day of May.  The sun shone all day, but the wind was cold. I had to go to the hospital in Truro. My granddaughter’s little son has jaundice. He was born too early and now he needs special treatment with blue light. I went to comfort my granddaughter. I had difficulty myself. I have inflammation and pain in my left foot, and it is difficult to walk. I will go again tomorrow, if I can

Day Hundred and Twenty

An Cansves Dedh hag Ügens De Meurth ew, an kensa dedh a vis Me – gelwys ew hedna “Cala Me” (Calamea).   En Laten “calends” o an kensa dedh a neb mis. Spern gwydn ew an flour rag hedhyw herwedh ûsadow – saw e’n gwenton ma diwedhes ew flourys an spern gwydn. Ma flourys spern dû e’n keow solabres bes nag eus bes skyll dhe spern gwydn. Herwedh an gis ew dhe dherevel emann gwelen Me, afina an pedn gen flourys ha funednow, ha downssya adro dhedhy.   En Lafenek (Lannwedhenek) ma dew hebyhors ewedh. It’s Tuesday, the first day of May – that’s called May Day. In Latin “calends” was the first day of any month. White thorn (may or hawthorn) is customarily the flower for today – but this spring the may flowers are late. There are blackthorn (sloe) flowers in the hedges already but may only has buds. It’s traditional to raise a May pole, decorate the top with flowers and ribbons, and dance around it. In Padstow there are two “Obby Osses” as well.