
Showing posts from April, 2018

Day Hundred and Nineteen

An Cansves Dedh ha Nownjek   De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel. An jedh ma ew an diwettha dedh a vis Ebrel. Mis berr ewa – nag eus bes deg dedh warn ügens dhodho. Avorow a vedh Cala Me. Ma howlsedhes hedhyw o talla gool Keltek pagan henwys “Beltane”. Ma va o tisqwedhes an barr a gwenton ha’n dalleth a hav. Degol tan ew. “Bel” ew düw Keltek (an eyl elyn po golow) ha “tane” ew dhort an ger rag tan. Hengovek ew dhe dina tanjes (tansys) dhe anar an howl ha scodhya arvester e’n hav a dheu. An degol a wra gorfedna howlsedhes avorow. Monday, 30 th April. This day is the last day of April. It’s a short month – it only has thirty days. Tomorrow will be May Day. Sunset today begins a pagan Celtic festival called “Beltane”. It represents the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. It’s a fire festival. Bel is a Celtic god (the Bright One) and tane is from the word for fire. It’s traditional to light a bonfire to honour the sun and promote fertility in the coming summer. The fes...

Day Hundred and Eighteen

An Cansves Dedh ha Etek De Sül, nawhes warn ügens mis Ebrel. Ma loor leun haneth en nos, keth ew nebes niwlek an ebòrn. Gelwys ew an leur leun ma gen tiogow “loor rüdhwydn” (wos flourys rüdhwydn). Gelwys ew magata “loor gwerwels skylla” po “loor oy” (ma edhnow o neythy lebmyn) po “loor pesk”. Sunday, 29 th April. There is a full moon tonight, though the sky is somewhat misty. This full moon is called by farmers a “pink moon” (because of pink flowers). It is also called a “sprouting grass moon” or an “egg moon” (birds are nesting now) or a “fish moon”.

Day Hundred and Seventeen

An Cansves Dedh ha Seytek De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel. Hebm ew an diwettha de Sadorn en mis Ebrel, ha ma hedna o menya Dedh Trevithick en Cambron. Jorna da o gen howl spladn ha heb glaw. An gwens o nebes yeyn bes nag o nebonan grevys ganjo. Thera routh veur e’n strêtys Cambron; donsyers, mûsicyens, canoryon ha canoresow, gwerthoryon pelyow ayr, gwicoryon boos ha diwosow. Marhas strêt brâs o, gen stallys rag lies ehen a dacklow. Ha en dohajedh thera precessyon a lies jynn eth brâs-oberys.         Saturday, 28 th April. This is the last Saturday in April, and that means Trevithick Day in Camborne. It was a good day with bright sun and without rain. The wind was a bit cold but nobody was bothered by it. There were crowds in the streets of Camborne; dancers, musicians, men and women singers, balloon sellers, food and drink vendors. It was a big street market with stalls for many sorts of things. And in the afternoon, three o’clock, there was a process...

Day Hundred and Sixteen

An Cansves Dedh ha Whetek   De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel. Mettin gleb – na wrüga vy kerdhes pell gans an kei. Na venja an kei kerdhes pell! Termyn da o dhe gomposa o levrow ha restra paperyow. Dedh vas o, ewedh, dhe whilas o dilhas hav, kenth o vy gwiskys whath en dilhas gwav tòbm.    Friday, 27 th April. A wet morning – I didn’t walk far with the dog. The dog wouldn’t walk far. It was a good time to put my books in order and file papers. It was a suitable day, as well, to look for my summer clothes (though I am still dressed in warm winter clothes).

Day Hundred and Fifteen

An Cansves Dedh ha Pemdhek De Yow ew, an wheffes dedh warn ügens a vis Ebrel. Üdn jorna teg moy ew rag golhy dillas moy ha gonis e’n lowarth arta. Saw skith o vy. Na wrüga vy còsca et ta. Thera dhen agan mergh wydn e’n chei. Dew ar glogh e’n mettin hei a lavaras dhebm, “Ma odhom dhebm a vos dhe’n clojy.” Hy mabm eth dhe’n clojy genjy. Lebmyn tho vy hen-henvabm! Ass ewa coynt an bôwnas. Ass ew debarow dew seythen.  De Yow eus passyes me a gemeras cübmyas a’m hôr meurgerys, ha hedhyw thera vy o welcobma bôwnans nowydh, maw münys. Ev a vedh meurgerys ewedh.  It’s Thursday, the 26 th day of April. It’s one more beautiful day for washing more clothes and working in the garden again. But I am tired. I did not sleep well. We had our granddaughter in the house. At two o’clock in the morning she said to me, “I need to go to the hospital.” Her mother went to the hospital with her. Now I am a great-grandmother. How strange life is. How different are two weeks. Last Thursday I took...

Day Hundred and Fourteen

An Cansves Dedh ha Peswardhek De Merher ew, an pempes dedh warn ügens a vis Ebrel. Jorna teg ew (marnas an cowasow) rag golhy dillas ha gonis e’n lowarth. Nei a wrüg glanhe oll an beistry. Gwenton ew ha termyn dhe lanhe pub tra. It’s Wednesday, the 25 th day of April. It’s a beautiful day (except for the showers) for washing clothes and working in the garden. We cleaned all the windows. It’s spring and time to clean everything.

Day Hundred and Thirteen

An Cansves Dedh ha Terdhek De Meurth, pajwora warn ügens mis Ebrel. Pana gewer! Loos ha gleb o an jedh – nag o lôwenek vetholl. Saw, wos (awos) hedna, jorna da o. Me a gawas li da en Truru sewyes gen descans Kernôwek. Tuesday, 24 th April. What weather! The day was grey and wet – it wasn’t at all cheerful. But, despite that, it was a good day. I had a good lunch in Truro followed by a Cornish lesson.  Na wra vy gweles o flehes gwydn e’n seythen ma. Thens clàv – ma dhodhans bregh yar (pockys yer). Cüdhys ens gen gwenednow – res ew dhodhans gòrtos tre. I won’t see my grandchildren this week. They are sick – they have chicken pox. They are covered with spots – they must stay at home.

Day Hundred and Twelve

An Cansves Dedh ha Dewdhek De Lün, tryja warn ügens mis Ebrel. Dedh dhe les ew. Rag fra? (Prag?) Thew pedn bloodh dramasidh/dramatidh ha prydydh/bardh brâs (broas), an Bardh Avon, Wella Shakespeare. Ev a scrifas lies gwary en bardhonieth/gwers marthys ha lies bardhonek teg. En Pow an Sowson ma caws aral rag gool. Degol Sen Jory ew. Thew ev aga thassans. Ma henwhedhel d'rüga va asladha dragon.               Monday, 23 rd April. It’s an important day. Why? It’s the birthday of a great dramatist/playwright and poet, the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare. He wrote many wonderful plays in poetry/verse and many beautiful poems. In England there is another reason for a celebration. It’s St George’s Day. He’s their patron saint. There is a legend that he slew a dragon.

new story and audio

There is a new story called "War Droos!" (On Foot!) on Neil's blog. It is accompanied by a sound recording of him reading it. Listen to what it should sound like.

Day Hundred and Eleven

An Cansves Dedh hag Üdnek De Sül ew, an nessa dedh warn ügens a vis Ebrel. Dedh dhe les ew hedhyw, me a grej. Dedh an Norves ew – nei a dalvia gwerthveurhe ha gwitha gwell agan planet. Nag o an awel mar deg avel de. Thera badna law, bes thera ostyjy dhe nei na whath, agan mergh wydn an cottha, agan maw an yonca hag y trei flogh bian. It’s Sunday, the 22 nd day of April. It’s an important day today, I believe. It’s Earth Day – we should better appreciate and protect our planet. The weather wasn’t as lovely as yesterday. There was a drop of rain, but we had guests nevertheless, our oldest granddaughter, our youngest son and his three small children.  

Day Hundred and Ten

An Cansves Dedh ha Deg De Sadorn ew, an kensa dedh warn ügens a vis Ebrel.   Jorna brentin ew.   Me a dhifünas en mettyn avarr. Ma’n howl o spladna solabres. Kerdh teg o dhe’n dre. Me a welas rüdhek caradow reb an vorr (fordh) ha bleujyow gwydn spern dû e’n keow. Nag era kerry veth war an vorr. It’s Saturday, the 21 st day of April. It’s an excellent day. I woke up early in the morning. The sun was already shining. It was a lovely walk to the village. I saw a friendly robin by the road and white blackthorn (sloe) blossoms in the hedges. There were no cars at all on the road. Thera tüs solabres war an treth. Thera den o pònya, thera tüs erel o kerdhes gen keun. En park kerry thera tüs parrys rag mordardha. Thera üdn den o tos mes a’n mor. Ev a wrüg mordardha solabres. Thera ev o mos dh’y whel lebmyn. There were already people on the beach. A man was running, other people were walking with dogs. In the car park there were people ready for surfing. One man was coming...

Day Hundred and Nine

An Cansves Dedh ha Naw De Gwener ew, an ügensves dedh a vis Ebrel.   Therama en tren lebmyn. Nag üjy an hens horn obery pur dha hedhyw. Ma a gawas dew dren ha na veu an eyl po y gila a dermyn. An kensa tren a veu moy es ügens mynysen re dhiwedhes, ha’n nessa tren a veu ogas dhe üdn our holergh. Thera caletter gen sinellow (sinys) en kensa ha nessa thera problem jynnweythek.     It’s Friday, the twentieth day of April. I’m on a train now. The railway is not working very well today. I took two trains and neither one nor the other was on time. The first train was more than twenty minutes too late, and the next (second) train was nigh one our late. There was difficulty with signals firstly and next there was a mechanical problem.

Day Hundred and Eight

An Cansves Dedh hag Eth De Yow, nawnjegves mis Ebrel.  Me a ostyas gans o noyth. Hedhyw via an jedh rag ancledhyas (encleudhyans) o hor (hy mabm). Nei a gawas haunsel e’n lowarth. Teg o an awel solabres. An howl a spladnas ha’n edhyn a ganas. Òja hedna nei a wrüg drivya dhe’n chei coth o hor dh’y checkya. Ma’n broder wheg vy en clavjy (cloajy). Òja eva coffy nei eth tre dhe chei o noyth rag debry li. Jorna teg o whath, rag hedna nei a dhabras e’n lowarth arta. Nena pres veu dhe voas dhe’n chapel dhe gemeres cübmyas teg a’m hor. Thera rûth brâs (broas) ena. Meur gerys o hei. Oferen pur wheg o. Thursday, 19 th  April. I stayed with my niece. Today would be the day for the funeral of my sister (her mother). We had breakfast in the garden. The weather was already beautiful. The sun shone and the birds sang. After that we drove to my sister’s old house to check it. My brother-in-law is in hospital. After drinking coffee we went home to my niece’s house to eat lunch. I...

Day Hundred and Seven

An Cansves Dedh ha Seyth De Merher, etegves mis Ebrel. Me a wrüg divüna (difuna) en mettyn avarr ha cawas haunsel bian. Nena me eth an lowarth emann. Òja maga an cònidnas me a guntellas nebes camellias rag o noyth. Leun o an ayr a wibes ha can edhyn. Pres veu nena dhe vos dhe’n savla hens horn. Wednesday, 18 th April. I woke early in the morning and had a small breakfast. Then I went up the garden. After feeding the rabbits I picked some camellias for my niece. The air was full of midges and birdsong. Then it was time to go to the railway station.

Day Hundred and Six

An Cansves Dedh ha Whegh De Meurth ew, an seytegves dedh a vis Ebrel. Thera dhen hager awel hedhyw – gleb ha gwenjek. Na wrüga vy mos mes. Na wrüga vy mos dhe Truru. Na wrüga vy kemeres descans Kernôwek. Nag era whans dhebm bos derbeudhys. Me a drussas cofer dillas. Res ew dhebm mos dhe Bow an Sowson avorow rag ancledhyas (encleudhyans) o hôr gottha meurgerys. Na vedh dyllans avorow. Na wra vy scrifa tra veth. It’s Tuesday, the 17 th day of April. We had horrible weather today – wet and windy. I didn’t go out. I didn’t go to Truro. I didn’t take a Cornish lesson. I didn’t want to be soaked. I packed a suitcase. I have to go to England tomorrow for the funeral of my beloved elder sister. There will be no publication tomorrow. I won't write anything.

Day Hundred and Five

An Cansves Dedh ha Pemp De Lün, an whetegves mis Ebrel. Na ellama remembra hedhyw poran! Me a gerras (gerdhas) gans o hei ha cuntel dens lew rag an cònidnas. An cònidnas a dhabras an dens lew keffres ha caretys, cavach rüdh, gora ha pelednow cònin. Na wra anjei merwel rag nown. An gath a dheuth dhe vires ortam ha üdn cònin a’s vesyas.       Monday, 16 th April. I can’t remember today exactly! I walked with my dog and picked dandelions for the rabbits. The rabbits ate the dandelions as well as carrots, red cabbage, hay and rabbit pellets. They won’t starve to death. The cat came to watch me and one rabbit chased her away.

Day Hundred and Four

An Cansves Dedh ha Pajer De Sül, an pemdhegves mis Ebrel. Dedh pur vlewek o! Me a wrüg kerdhes pelder bian gans an kei. Me a fyttyas tabm boos. Me a withas o flehes gwydn rag pols bian. Me a veras ort tabm tele. Blewek o vy ha sqwithys. Sunday, 15 th April. It was a very boring day. I walked a small distance with the dog. I prepared a bit of food. I looked after my grandchildren for a short time. I watched a bit of TV. I was boring and bored.

Day Hundred and Three

An Cansves Dedh ha Trei De Sadorn, an pajerdegves mis Ebrel. Jorna da o. Me eth dhe bagas scriforyon en Falmeth. Ma lies tybyans dhebm rag lever nowyth. Saturday, 14 th April. It was a good day. I went to a writers’ group in Falmouth. I have lots of ideas for a new book.

Day Hundred and Two

An Cansves Dedh ha Dew De Gwener, an terdhegves mis Ebrel. O whei hegol? Ero whei o crejy drew hedhyw anfujik? Eus own dhe whei? O whei pur war hedhyw? A veu tremenys agas vorr (fordh) gen cath dû? Hedn ew anfujik en America (saw fortüdnyes ew en Englond). Eus terrys mirour (gweder mires) gena whei? E vedh dhewgh seyth bledhen a galish luk. En gwelha pres nag o vy cryssyk ( cryjyk), etho thera dhebm jorna pur gebmyn .    Friday, 13 th April. Are you superstitious? Do you believe that today is unlucky? Are you scared? Are you very cautious today? Has a black cat crossed your path? That’s unlucky in America (but it’s lucky in England). Have you broken a mirror? You will have seven years of bad luck. Fortunately, I am not superstitious, so I had a perfectly normal day.

Day Hundred and One

An Cansves Dedh hag Onan De Yow, an dewdhegves mis Ebrel. Ha me o kerdhes dhe’n dreveglos me a welas gwenen mel ha dran war gathes helyk leun a vleus flourys. Ma gwenton obma! Ma Tywarnheyl o tifüna òja Pask. Tho hei en còsk dres an gwav. Lies shoppa o degëys. Lebmyn mons o talleth bos parrys rag hav.   Thursday, 12 th April. As I was walking to the village I saw a honeybee and a bumblebee on pussy willow (willow catkins) full of pollen. Spring is here! Perranporth is waking up after Easter. It was asleep through the winter. Many shops were closed. Now they are beginning to be prepared for summer.

Day One hundred

An Cansves Dedh De Merher, an üdnegves mis Ebrel. Pandra dhe wül hedhyw? Jorna teg o. Etho, me a wrüg walkya an kei ha golhy meur a dhillas. Nag o pigüs. Me a wras diwedh a lether nowodhow rag an bagas art. Res veu dhebm argraffa nebes dasscrifow rag danon mes dre an post. An brassa radn a vedh devanys gen e-bost. Wednesday, 11 th April. What to do today? It was a lovely day. So, I walked the dog and washed lots of clothes. It wasn’t exciting. I finished a newsletter for the art group. I had to print several copies for sending out by post. The majority will be sent by e-mail.

Day Ninety-nine

An Nawnjegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Meurth, an degves mis Ebrel. Me a godhas gleb e’n mettin ha me ow kerdhes dhe’n savla buss, saw gwell o e’n dohajedh. Me attendyas cuntellyans bagas An Rosweyth en Chi Peddra. Res ew dhe nei towla activites warbarth. Òja hedna me a gawas cowl pur sawrek en bosty bian kens ow descas Kernowek.       Tuesday, 10 th April. I got wet in the morning as I was walking to the bus stop, but it was better in the afternoon. I attended a meeting of The Network group in Pydar House. We have to plan activities together. After that I had some very tasty soup in a little restaurant before my Cornish lesson.

Day Ninety-eight

An Ethdegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Lün, an nawes mis Ebrel. Nebes niwlek o mettin avarr bes leskys dhe ves ew an niwl gans an howl. Thera howl spladn e’n dohajedh. Me a scrifas lether nowodhow rag an bagas art. Cothman a dheuth dhe gemeres fram avisyans rag agan bagas art. E vedh disqwedhyans scon en Lanwedhenek. Monday, 9 th April. Early morning was rather misty but the mist was burnt away by the sun. There was bright sun in the afternoon. I wrote a newsletter for the art group. A friend came to take an advertising frame for our art society. There is going to be an exhibition soon in Padstow.

Day Ninety-seven

An Seythdegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Sül ew, an ethes dedh a vis Ebrel. Jorna teg o, jorna teg rag gonis e’n lowarth. Me a wonethas has flourys rüdh rag hav. En kensa res veu dhebm tedna emann lies whennen. Òja hedna me a wrüg glanhe cawal an cònidnas ha rei dhodhans bleus predn glan, gora er ha caretys.       It’s Sunday, the 8 th day of April. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful day for working in the garden. I sowed red flower seeds for summer. First I had to pull up a lot of weeds. After that I cleaned the rabbits’ cage and gave them clean sawdust, fresh hay and carrots.

Day Ninety-six

An Whetegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Sadorn ew, an seythves dedh a vis Ebrel. Ma dhe Gernow lies sans. “Ma moy a sansow en Kernow vel en oll Nev.” Rag hedna ma lies degol sans. Eus degol hedhyw? Entei. Degol Goran ew. Tho Goran cadnas wheffes cansvledhen dhe Gernow (whath ken Petroc). Ma’n eglos ev ogas dhe Borth Ust. It’s Saturday, the 7 th day of April. Cornwall has many saints. “There are more saints in Cornwall than in all Heaven.” Therefore there are many saints’ feast days. Is there a saint’s day today? Certainly. It’s St Goran’s Day. St Goran was a 6 th century missionary to Cornwall (even before St Petroc). His church is near Gorran Haven.

Day Ninety-five

An Pemdhegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Gwener, wheffes mis Ebrel. Bledhen Nowydh lowen dhe whei! Rag fra? Nag ew Calan Genver. An kensa dedh ew an vledhen arhanjek Ruvaneth Ûnys. Praga na wrüg hei dalla en Genver pecar’a Europ? Story completh ew. Friday, 6 th April. Happy New Year to you! Why? It’s not the first day of January. It’s the first day of the United Kingdom financial year. Why didn’t it start in January like Europe? It’s a complicated story. En mil pemp cans pajar ügens ha dew Europ a dreylyas dhort calender Julian (gelwys warlergh Cesar Julius) dhe galender Gregorian (gelwys warlergh Pap Gregory XIII) warlergh arhadow Gregory y honan. Bes na venja Metêrn Henry VIII gwil endella. In 1582 Europe changed from the Julian calendar (named after Julius Caesar) to the Gregorian calendar (named after Pope Gregory XIII) on the orders of Gregory himself. But King Henry VIII didn’t want to do that. Dres an nessa cans bledhen deg ha trei ügens tho Englond deg dedh po üd...

Day Ninety-four

An Pajerdegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Yow, pempes mis Ebrel. Da ew genam kerres (kerdhes) e’n pow en gwenton. Ma lies edhen o càna, oll sortow a edhen – rüdhogyon, molhas dû, pednow palyon ha nebes heckamolas erel. Ma flourys melen wheg en keow; eythin ha lily Corawys whath (kenth o Pask gellys). Ma bardhonek en Sowsnek gen Robert Seymour Bridges, Yma gwenton ow mos oll yn gwynn. En Kernow e’n polj ma nei ell leverel Ma gwenton moas oll en melen. Thursday, 5 th April. I like walking in the countryside in spring. Many birds are singing, all sorts of birds – robins, blackbirds, blue-tits and several other “dicky birds”. There are sweet yellow flowers in hedges; gorse and daffodils still (even though Easter has gone). There is a poem in English by Robert Seymour Bridges “Spring goeth all in white”. In Cornwall at this moment we can say “Spring goes all in yellow”.

Day Ninety-three

An Terdhegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Merher, pajwara mis Ebrel. Pednbloodh ew o mab gwydn. Naw bloodh ew ev. Pednbloodh aral ew ewedh. Nanjew pemdhek bledhen me a veu en clojy (clavjy) en Resòjyon rag leufvedhegneth. Na wrüg o holon obery et ta.   Pana leufvedhek marthys! Otta vy obma hedhyw o scrifa Kernôwek. Wednesday, 4 th April. It is my grandson’s birthday. He is nine years old. It’s another anniversary as well. Fifteen years ago I was in hospital in Oxford for surgery. My heart did not work well. What a marvelous surgeon! Here I am today writing Cornish.

Day Ninety-two

An Dhewdhegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Meurth, tryja mis Ebrel. Na wrüga vy gara o gwely hedhyw, marnas moas dhe’n wolghva. Clav o vy. Me a whejas oll an mettin ha nag eus debrys genam tra veth. Nag eus evys genam bes badna dhowr. Ma drog pedn genam. Tuesday, 3 rd April. I didn’t leave my bed today, except to go to the bathroom. I am ill. I was sick all the morning and I haven’t eaten a thing. I have only drunk a drop of water. I have a headache.

Day Ninety-one

An Üdnegves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Lün ew: De Lün Pask ha’n nessa dedh a vis Ebrel. Nanjew dowdhek bledhen ha dew ügens me a veu demedhys dhe’m gour. Agan pednbloodh ew hedhyw. Benyn yonk o vy nena, tewl o blew. Lebmyn benyn goth o vy, gwydn o blew. E’n termyn na tho vy ügens pens moy scàv ha üdn visva hirra ewedh – ha bejeth heb plegow! It is Monday: Easter Monday and the second day of April. Fifty-two years ago I was married to my husband. It is our anniversary today. Then I was a young woman with dark hair. Now I am an old woman with white hair. At that time I was twenty pounds lighter and an inch taller as well – and a face without wrinkles!

Day Ninety

An Degves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Sül ew, De Sül Pask ha Calan Ebrel – an kensa dedh a vis Ebrel. E’n mettin an flehes gwydn a wrüg whilas oyow Pask oll adro dhe’n lowarth. En gwella pres tho an gewer segh. E’n dohajedh an glaw a dheuth ha crowsek o anjei òja debry re a chocolat. It is Sunday, Easter Sunday and April Fool’s Day – the first day of April. In the morning the grandchildren looked for Easter eggs all round the garden. Fortunately the weather was dry. The rain came in the afternoon and they were grumpy after eating too much chocolate.