Day Hundred and Nineteen
An Cansves Dedh ha Nownjek De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel. An jedh ma ew an diwettha dedh a vis Ebrel. Mis berr ewa – nag eus bes deg dedh warn ügens dhodho. Avorow a vedh Cala Me. Ma howlsedhes hedhyw o talla gool Keltek pagan henwys “Beltane”. Ma va o tisqwedhes an barr a gwenton ha’n dalleth a hav. Degol tan ew. “Bel” ew düw Keltek (an eyl elyn po golow) ha “tane” ew dhort an ger rag tan. Hengovek ew dhe dina tanjes (tansys) dhe anar an howl ha scodhya arvester e’n hav a dheu. An degol a wra gorfedna howlsedhes avorow. Monday, 30 th April. This day is the last day of April. It’s a short month – it only has thirty days. Tomorrow will be May Day. Sunset today begins a pagan Celtic festival called “Beltane”. It represents the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. It’s a fire festival. Bel is a Celtic god (the Bright One) and tane is from the word for fire. It’s traditional to light a bonfire to honour the sun and promote fertility in the coming summer. The fes...