
Showing posts from February, 2018

Day Fifty-eight

An Etegves Dedh ha Dogans De Merher, ethves warn ügens mis Whevrel. Era ergh? Era po nag era? Era ergh e’n nos? Thera stoff gwydn war an gwels e’n mettin, entei. O hedna ergh po rew? Yeyn o e’n mettin avarr, yeyn lowr rag ergh. Üdnek ar glogh an howl a wrüg spladna. Qwarter òja üdnek thera cowas scàv a ergh. Pols bian òja hedna thera an howl o spladna arta. A vedh ergh moy hedhyw? Piw a wor? Herwedh an dhargan awel e vedh dhen meur a ergh moy avorow. Wednesday, 28 th February. Was there snow? Was there or wasn’t there? Was there snow in the night? There was white stuff on the grass in the morning, certainly. Was that snow or frost? It was very cold early in the morning, cold enough for snow. At eleven o’clock the sun was shining. At a quarter past eleven there was a light shower of snow. A short while after that the sun was shining again. Will there be more snow today? Who knows? According to the weather forecast we will have lots more snow tomorrow.

Day Fifty-seven

An Seytegves Dedh ha Dogans De Meurth ew, an seythves dedh warn ügens a vis Whevrel. Pe le ma’n ergh? E vedh ergh – hedna veu an dargan awel. Thera ergh en teleryow erel, saw nag era dhen ergh obma. Thera dhe nei jorna teg – howl spladn ha ebòrn blou (kenth o yeyn). Ha lebmyn ma nos teg ewedh – ebòrn dû cler, heb cobmol, leun a ster spladn o terlentry ha loor leun o spladna en dadn. Ma rew, saw whath nag eus ergh. Martesen avorow. It’s Tuesday, the 27 th day of February.   Where is the snow? There will be snow – that was the weather forecast. There was snow in other places, but we did not have snow here. We had a beautiful day – bright sun and blue sky (though it was cold). And now there is a lovely night as well – clear black sky, cloudless, full of brilliant stars twinkling and a full moon beaming down. There is frost, but still no snow. Perhaps tomorrow.

Day Fifty-six

An Whetegves Dedh ha Dogans De Lün ew, an wheffes dedh warn ügens a vis Whevrel ha nag o vy lôwen. Thew o fedn bloodh. Ma poas genam ha drog branja. Nebes whethys (berranal) oma. Yeyn ew an gewer ha therama omglowes gweth (lacka) mar qwra vy moas en mes. Na dal dhebm whetha (anella) ayr yeyn. Na wra vy moas dhe’n dre avorow.  It’s Monday, the 26 th day of February and I am not happy. It’s may birthday. I have a cough and a sore throat. I’m a bit asthmatic (short of breath). The weather is cold and I feel worse if I go out. I should not breathe cold air. I won’t go to town tomorrow.

Day Fifty-five

An Pemdhegves Dedh ha Dogans De Sül, an pempes dedh warn ügens a vis Whevrel. Jorna pur yeyn arta, gen gwens yeyn crev. Nag o vy whansek dhe voas mes, bettegens thera odhom dhebm dhe voas mes gans an kei. En gwella pres, nag era whans dhodho a gerdh hir. Sunday, the 25 th day of February. A very cold day again, with a strong cold wind. I was not desirous to go out, however I needed to go out with the dog. Fortunately, it did not want a long walk. Me a wrüg fittya meur a voos rag kidnyow. Thera ostyjy dhen dhe gefewya o fedn bloodh. Nei a dhabras yar rostys gen tettys, poltat wheg, broclow, cawlflour, caretys, onyon, pes ha sugen kig. Nag era vy o tebry kig o honan, saw da ew genam cawas lies losowen diffrans. I prepared a lot of food for dinner. We had guests to celebrate my birthday. We ate roast chicken with potatoes, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, peas and gravy. I don’t eat meat myself, but I like to have lots of different vegetables.

Day Fifty-four

An Pajerdegves Dedh ha Dogans De Sadorn, pajwora warn ügens mis Whevrel. Jorna pur yeyn o. Nag era glaw veth, saw thera gwens crev dhort an howldrevel (an est), dhort Siberia. Saturday, 24 th February. It was a very cold day. There wasn’t any rain at all, but there was a strong wind from the east, from Siberia. Gwav ew whath bes ma flourys gwenton solabres et o lôwarth: lily an Corawys, brially, camellias, craisy. Ma blejyow (bleujyow) ergh e’n coos o hentrevoges ha ma   mellyon e’n ke reb an vownder. En gwella pres, an prei a wrüg seha. It is winter but there are already spring flowers in my garden: daffodils, primroses, camellias, celandines. There are snowdrops in my neighbour’s wood and there are violets in the hedge by the lane. Fortunately, the mud has dried up. O whei ivergrejyk (euvergryjyk)? Ero whei o cregy e’n stergelgh (Zodiak)? Thera nei whegh dedh e’n arwòdh an Puscas – ma va a dhallathas nownjegves mis Whevrel.   Are you superstitious? Do you ...

Day Fifty-three

An Tardhegves Dedh ha Dogans De Gwener, an tryja dedh warn ügens a vis Whevrel. E veu dedh awenek moy de. Me eth gen cothmans dhe Devoran, reb heyl teg. Ma artiss ena gen stüdhla ha soler reb an ladn. Hei a dhisqwedhas dhen fatel dhe wül pryntys. Ma gwask broas dhedhy. Me a bernas prynt dû bian rag pemp pens. Friday, 23 rd day of February. It was another artistic day yesterday. I went with friends to Devoran, by a lovely estuary with tidal mud flats. There is an artist there with a studio and gallery by the bank. She demonstrated to us how to make prints. She has a big press. I bought a small black print for £5.

Day Fifty-two

An Dewdhegves Dedh ha Dogans Pana dhedh ew hedhyw? De Yow ew. Thew an nessa warn ügens mis Whevrel. Thera vy (owth) omglowes awenek (artistek) lowr hedhyw. Newher me a veras ort disqwedhyans gen lymner (Tony Hogan). Ev a liwyas gwel an pow war ganfas gen nebes liwyow akrylek nowydh (gwrians Australek – o seha en lent rag aga howl tòbm). What day is it today? It’s Thursday. It’s the 22 nd February. I am feeling quite artistic today. Last night I watched a demonstration by a painter (Tony Hogan). He painted a landscape on canvas with some new acrylic paints (Australian manufacture – slow drying for their hot sun). Parrys o an canfas solabres, en paynt roos gossen (res ew boas segh). Ev a venja disqwedhes dhe nei lies liw deffrans, endella na wrüg ev saya dhe voas natùral. An sewyans o ebòrn melenwydn, mor dûlas ha nebes prisk eythin blou golow. Ev a ûsyas scübellik platt broas, scübellik rônd bian ha collel. His canvas was already prepared, covered in rust-red paint (it had ...

Day Fifty-one

An Üdnegves Dedh ha Dogans De Merher ew, an kensa dedh warn ügens a vis Whevrel. Mettin avarr ew – whegh eur poran. Me a dhifünas pemp eur, drefen boas an kei o kiny. Thera whans dhodho moas mes e’n lôwarth. Me a egoras an daras ha’n gath eth mes ewedh. Oula a outyas. Re yeyn ew rag gara egor darjow veth, etho me a’n degeas ha gòrtos. Me a gawas badna te ha me o c ò rtos.  It’s Wednesday, the twenty-first day of February. It’s early morning – six o’clock precisely. I woke at five o’clock because the dog was whining. It was wanting to go out into the garden. I opened the door and the cat went out as well. An owl hooted. It’s too cold for leaving any doors open, so I closed it and waited. I had a drop of tea while I was waiting. Re yeyn! Trei degre o po le. Martesen ma rew. Me a wrüg perthy co (cov) nepeth. Thera gerys genam neb planjow en sethow aves dhe’n chei. Üskis! Gwra aga sawya! An kei a harthas e’n tewlder. Pe le ma va? Üskis! Gwra cawas torchen ha cavas an begel!...

Day Fifty

An Degves Dedh ha Dogans De Meurth, ügensves mis Whevrel. Jorna teg o ha me o moas en kerres (kerdhes) war nans dhe’n savla kyttrin. An howl a spladnas keth (kenth) o an gwens yeyn. En kyttrin me a redyas lever en Kernowek (KS) – “Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow”. Tuesday, 20 th February. It was a lovely day as I was walking downhill to the bus stop. The sun shone though the wind was cold. On the bus I read a book in Cornish (KS) – “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. En Truru me a vetyas gen cowethes rag kescows ha coffy. Nei a gemeras tabm ly ewedh. Nei a dhetermyas dhe vetya arta nessa seythen rag dalla (dalleth) class Kernôwek nowydh. Nei a vedh junys gen deskyblon erel, ma esperans dhebm. In Truro I met a friend for a chat and coffee. We had a spot of lunch as well. We decided to meet again next week to start a new Cornish class. We will be joined by other learners, I hope. Ha jorna teg o whath ha me o kerres (kerdhes) war vena dhe’m chei. And it was still a lovely...

Day Forty-nine

An Dogensves Dedh ha Naw De Lün ew, an nawnjegves dedh a vis Whevrel. Dedh morethek o, saw nag o an gewer yeyn - da lowr rag gonis e’n lôwarth arta. Me alja clowes an mor en peldar. Ma splatt broas, overdevys gen dreys, reden ha linas. Thera odhom dhe nei a worra dhe ves oll aga gwredh. Ma bambous dhe voas gorrys dhe ves ewedh. Mowns o tevy dres agan or dhort lôwarth agan kentrevoges. It’s Monday, the nineteenth day of February. It was a gloomy day, but the weather was not cold – good enough for working in the garden again. I could hear the sea in the distance. There is a large patch of land, overgrown with brambles, bracken and stinging nettles. We needed to get rid of all their roots. There are bamboos to be removed as well. They grow across our border from our neighbour’s garden. En gwella pres, nag ew an dedhyow pur hir ha me alja moas a-jei pemp ar glogh. Tydn o vy ha gwanys gen gwibes – ha ma fowt dhebm a wül bath hir ha tòbm. Ma clowys genam dew oula hanath – “too-wi...

Day Forty-eight

An Dogensves Dedh ha Eth De Sül, etegves mis Whevrel. Thera glaw dres nos ha nag o yeyn. En Peran Treth thera dhen cloud isel ha niwl. Na wrüga nei gweles an howl oll an jorna ha na wrüg an ayr seha. Tho an tòmder terdhek degre Celsius.   Sunday, 18 th February. There was rain overnight and it was not cold. In Perranzabuloe we had low cloud and fog. We did not see the sun all day and the air did not dry. The temperature was 13 o Celsius.

Day Forty-seven

An Dogensves Dedh ha Seyth De Sadorn ew, an seytegves dedh a vis Whevrel. An gewer o da lowr rag gonis e’n lôwarth. Thera odhom dhe nei a worra emann styckednow moy rag gwitha an kei dhort scappya e’n coos.   Drog ew ev. Ev a wrüg chassya an gath e’n coos. An gath ell crambla gwedh ha moas dhe omgüdha en neb bush - bes an kei eth dreysys e’n dreys.   E veu res dhebm y sawya – ha cravys o vy gen dreyn ha spern. It’s Saturday, the seventeenth day of February. The weather was good enough for working in the garden. We needed to put up some extra fencing for preventing the dog escaping into the wood. It is naughty. It chased the cat into the wood. The cat can climb trees and hide itself in some bush - but the dog became tangled in the brambles. I had to rescue it – and was scratched by prickles and thorns.

Day Forty-six

An Dogensves Dedh ha Whegh De Gwener ew, whetegves mis Whevrel. Bledhen Nowyth Lôwen! Rag fra? Bledhen Nowyth Cheny ew. Ha thew hei Bledhen an Kei. It’s Friday,16 th February. Happy New Year! Why? It’s the Chinese New Year. And it’s the Year of the Dog.

Day Forty-five

An Dogensves Dedh ha Pemp Thew an jedh ma de Yow, pemdhegves mis Whevrel. Pe eur ew? Hanter nos po nebes ha skith o vy. Me a wrüg gwitha war dhew flogh wydn hedhyw (keffres ha dew gei, diw gath ha dew conin). Moy es skith o vy, tho vy spenys! Nag eus nerth lowr dhebm dhe scrifa lies ger. This day is Thursday, 15 th February. What time is it? Just before midnight and I am tired. I have looked after two grandchildren today (as well as two dogs, two cats and two rabbits). I am more than tired, I am exhausted! I do not have enough energy to write many words.

Day Forty-four

An Dogensves Dedh ha Pajer De Merher ew, an pajerdegves dedh a vis Whevrel. Dedh arbednek ew rag dew reson. Kensa reson? Eus cüfcolon dhe whei? Whei ell danon (danven) carten po perna ro, martesen flourys. Rag fra? Drefen boas Gool Valentin. Sen Valentin a Rôm ew tasek caroryon. Tho ev pronter en tempel. Ev a veu mertheryes (dibednys) en tryja cansvledhen rag gweres dhe gopplow Cristyon dhe dhemedhy. Keniver bledhen thew Gool Valentin an pajerdegves dedh a vis Whevrel. It’s Wednesday, the 14 th day of February. It’s a special day for two reasons. First reason? Do you have a sweetheart? You can send a card or buy a present, perhaps flowers. Why? Because it’s Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine of Rome is the patron saint of lovers. He was a priest in a temple. He was martyred (beheaded) in the third century for helping Christian couples to marry. Every year Valentine’s Day is on the 14 th day of February. Nessa reson: hedhyw thew an kensa dedh a Corawys. Creies ew hebma de Merh...

Day Forty-three

An Dogensves Dedh ha Trei De Meurth, terdhegves mis Whevrel. Compes o an dhargan. Thera glaw lowr e’n nos – ev a wras lidn a-ves dh’agan daras rag. E vedh odhom dhen a voas mes dreth an daras adenewen (tû) po an daras deler. Tuesday, 13 th February. The forecast was right. There was plenty of rain in the night - it has made a lake outside our front door. We’ll need to go out through the side door or the back door. De Meurth specyal ew hedhyw; de Meurth Enes (Enys). Dedh ew dhe wül crampeth. Ma neb powyow o senjy gool, “Mardi Gras”, de Meurth blonejek (de Meurth sô). Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh en Corawys. Hengovek ew dhe sevel ort debry en Corawys, rag hedna debrys o oll an boos blonejek (sô) ha rych (blonek, oyow, bleus, leth, con, h.e.) an diwettha dedh ken Corawys. Ena an düs a brederas adro dhe’n peghasow anjei (adro dh’aga feghasow), parys rag confessyon an nessa dedh. It’s a special Tuesday today, Shrove Tuesday. It’s a day to make pancakes. Some countries hold a c...

Day Forty-two

An Dogensves Dedh ha Dew De Lün ew arta, an dhewdhegves dedh a vis Whevrel. Cabm o an dhargan. Nag era glaw bys e’n dohajedh diwedhes, rag hedna me a spenas an jedh o (en üdn) composa an crow. Yeyn o hei bes howlek. Lebmyn, skith o vy. Nos da. It is Monday again, the 12 th day of February. The forecast was wrong. There was no rain until late in the afternoon, so I spent the day sorting out the shed. It was cold but sunny. Now I’m tired. Good night.

Day Forty-one

An Dogensves (Dew ügensves) Dedh hag Onan De Sül, üdnegves mis Whevrel. Thera gwens crev ha yeyn dhen hedhyw, ha thera howl spladn ewedh.   O lien golhys a wrüg seha war an linen. Bettegens herwydh towl an gewer nei ell gwaytyas glaw po keser moy avorow ha trenja. Saturday, 11th February. We had a strong cold wind today, and there was bright sun as well. My washed linen dried on the line. However according to the weather forecast we can expect more rain or hail tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Nag ew an dhargan lôwenek, saw nei ell boas lôwenek. Solabres ma lily Corawys en keow ha ma lies lôst ôn war golednow. Ma gwelys genam nebes brially ewedh. The forecast is not cheerful, but we can be cheerful. Already there are daffodils in hedges and there are many catkins on hazel trees. I have seen a few primroses as well. Na wrüga vy gweles an mor hedhyw, etho na örama y liw, bes me a’n glowas. Thera vy clowes tros an mor lebmyn en pelder. Me ör (Wörama) drew ev garow ...

Day Forty

An Dogensves (Dew ügensves) Dedh De Sadorn, an degves dedh a vis Whevrel. Üdn jedh gleb moy. Glaw a wra arta. Me a dhallathas kerres (kerdhes) dhe’n savla kyttrin saw me a vetyas gen kentrevoges (an eyl gen mergh ha llamas). Hei a’m gorras dhe’n dre. Saturday, the tenth day of February. One more wet day. It rains again. I started walking to the bus stop but I met a neighbour (the one with horses and llamas). She gave me a lift to town. Thera termyn lowr dhe vires en shoppa levrow, bes na wrüga vy gweles üdn lever veth dhe berna. Üskis me a gemeras kyttrin dhe Falmeth rag cuntellyans a scriforyon. Na veu Warren ena hedhyw. Thera oberyans medhek lagajow dhodho ha na alja ev gweles dhe lewa. Ma Tam o scrifa whedhlow adro dhe düs scathow ha cokow war an dowr. (Hei a wrüg adhvejy en cok coth war an Fal.) There was enough time to look in a book shop, but I didn’t see a single book to buy. Quickly I caught a bus to Falmouth for a gathering of writers. Warren wasn’t there today. He...

Day Thirty-nine

An Nawhes Dedh Warn Ügens Thew de Gwener, an nawhes dedh a vis Whevrel. Thera glaw whath moy dres nos ha ma leyj (prei) en pub teller arta. Gellys (gyllys) ew an ergh gwydn teg. Na wrüg ev dürya pell. En gwella pres, howl a wra lebmyn. Martesen me alja seha o dillas golhys war an linen e’n lowarth.   It is Friday, the ninth day of February. There was yet more rain overnight and there is more mud everywhere again. The pretty white snow is gone. It did not last long. Fortunately, it’s sunny now. Perhaps I could dry my washed clothes on the line in the garden. Hedhyw me a vedn scrifa adro dhe liw an mor. “Glas ew an mor hedhyw.” Nei ell leverel hedna pub dedh. Saw nag ew “glas” bes üdn liw en üdnek.   Terweythyow ma va o menya drew blou an liw, avel ebòrn heb cloudys. Termyn aral ma’n ger o styrrya loos (avel lüjiw). Thew losow “glas” ewedh. Glas ew an natural liw planjow. Par termyn thew radn an mor an keth liw avel losôwen. En hager awel thew a mor dû, dûlas po dûlo...

Day Thirty-eight

An Etegves Dedh Warn Ügens De Yow, ethves mis Whevrel. Me a vetyas gen cowethesow hedhyw. Truru a veu an teller ha hanter òja onan a veu an pres. Nei a vet en “Lily’s”, boosty ha spas awenek bian en topp Stret Pydar, diweyth en mis dhe liwya po delinya. Whei a alja doas ewedh. Thera vy o cül cartednow rag Pask. Thursday, 8th February. I met with friends today. Truro was the place and half past one was the time. We meet in “Lily’s”, a little café and creative space at the top of Pydar Street, twice a month to paint or draw. You could come too. I am making cards for Easter.

Day Thirty-seven

An Seytegves Dedh Warn Ügens De Merher ew, an seythves dedh a vis Whevrel. Keser a wrüg dres nos – po o va ergh? E’n mettin thera stoff gwydn war an glesin arta, ha war do an losowjy. (Ev a slynkyas dhe’n dor en dohajedh.) It’s Wednesday, the 7th day of February. It hailed overnight – or was it snow? In the morning there was white stuff on the lawn again, and on the conservatory roof. (It slipped down in the afternoon.) Tho an vorr (fordh) war nans dhe’n savla buss e’n dre kednys gen rew/ergh o teudha (treylya dhe dhowr) kemeskys gen prei. Pur bloos o ha leyjek lowr.     The road downhill to the bus stop in the village was bespattered with melting ice/snow (turning to water) mixed with mud. It was very dirty and quite slippery. Res o dhebm moas dhe’n Kowsva rag cuntellyans bagas Rosweyth. Thera odhom dhen a gows dro dhe wharvosow ha whel dhe wil (wül) rag descoryon ha deskyblon an tavas Kernôwek, dhe scodhya ha cressya an tavas. I had to go to the Kowsv...

Day Thirty-six

An Whetegves Dedh Warn Ügens De Meurth, wheffes mis Whevrel. Thera rew dres nos. Herwydh an dhargan gewer nei ell gwaytyas kewer whath moy yeyn. Ergh en Kernow? Piw or! Tuesday, 6th February. There was frost overnight. According to the weather forecast we can expect even colder weather. Snow in Cornwall? Who knows! Pedn bloodh o whor dha ew hedhyw. E veu pedn bloodh o mab yonka de. Thera dhe noyth o gour hy fedn bloodh de ewedh. Ma dhe deylu vy naw pedn bloodh en mis Genver ha mis Whevrel. It’s my sister-in-law’s birthday today. It was my younger son’s birthday yesterday. My husband’s niece also had her birthday yesterday. My family has nine birthdays in January and February. Theram o mires en-mes a’n veister Lebmyn. Ma erghednow o codha! Ass ew marthys!   I’m looking out of the window now. Snowflakes are falling! What a surprise!

Day Thirty-five

An Pemdhegves Dedh  Warn Ügens De Lün, an pempes dedh a vis Whevrel ew. Mettin avarr ew arta ha difünys o vy, kenth oma skith. Ma anwosow dhe’n flehes wydn ha anjei a wrüg pasa adhiwedhes e’n nos, òja (wosa) hanter nos. Mowns o cosca whath. It’s Monday, the fifth day of February. It is early morning again and I am awake, although I’m tired. The grandchildren have colds and they coughed late into the night, after midnight. They are still sleeping. Ma dew gei en chei rag an nos magata. E veu odhom dhedhans moas mes kens whegh ar glogh (whegh eur). Whath ew tewl en mes drefen boas kens howldrevel. There are two dogs in the house for the night as well. They needed to go out before six o’clock. It is still dark outside on account of being before sunrise. Na venja an keun doas ajei. Thera ajei o qwandra oll adro dhe’n lowarth – ha lowarth broas ew. Yeyn ew. Ma rew war an grow ha war an gwels. Da ew gen an kei broas rolya en rew. Nag üjy hei o rolya en cawgh lowarn, ma es...

Day Thirty-four

An Pajerdegves Dedh De Sül, an pajwora dedh a vis Whevrel ew. Ma’n flehes wydn obma arta. Rag hedna, nag eus termin lowr dhebm dhe scrifa lies ger lebmyn. Kemyskys o an gewer hedhyw – nebes howl ha nebes glaw. It’s Sunday, the fourth day of February. The grandchildren are here again. Therefore, I haven’t enough time to write many words now. The weather today was mixed – some sun and some rain.

Day Thirty-three

An Terdhegves Dedh Warn Ügens De Sadorn, an tryja dedh a vis Whevrel. Jorna pur yeyn o. Yeyn ew haneth ewedh. Ass ew yeyn an gwens! Glaw a wra ha keser a wra. Gwell ew genam gòrtos e’n chei, saw e veu odhom dhebm a gerres (gerdhes) gen an kei, Gweskys (gwiskys) en cota tòbm adro dhebm. Saturday, the third day of February. It was a very cold day. It’s cold this evening as well. How cold the wind is! It rains and it hails. I prefer to stay in the house, but I needed to walk with the dog, wearing a warm coat round me. Thewa hedhyw gool Blaisy Sans, tasek clevejyow (clevesow) branja , bestes, gweythoryon gwloan. Tho ev espak ha medhek ha ev a veu gwres martyr e’n vledhen trei cans ha whetek. Ma treveglos en Kernow, St Blazey (po Landreth) ogas dhe Par ha Tywardreath, gelwys warlergh an sans ma. Today it is the feast of St Blaise, patron saint of throat illnesses, animals and wool workers. He was a bishop and doctor and he was martyred in 316. There is a village in Cornwall, St B...

Day Thirty-two

An Dewdhegves Dedh Warn Ügens De Gwener, an nessa dedh a vis Whevrel. Solabres ma’n dedhyow o codha hirra ha ma’n nosow o codha berra. Friday, the second day of February. Already the days are getting longer and the nights are becoming shorter. Newher thera loor leun broas (na veu loor las). Thera gwens crev dhort an noor (cledh) magata. Endella, e veu mortid broas, lanow pur ûhel. Last night there was a big full moon (it wasn’t a blue moon). There was a strong wind from the north as well. Therefore there was a big tide, a very high high-tide. Towlys emann en Ty warn Heyl war an tredh, an ponjow, an caunsow, an vorrow (fordhow) ha’n park kerry ew bernyow broas a atal. Ma gobmon ha kewny, tag hir, scobmow predn, pîsys a roos, hag erel, ha, heb mar, plastek. Big piles of rubbish are thrown up on the beach, the bridges, the pavements, the roads and the car park in Perranporth. There is seaweed (large and small), cuttlebone, splinters of wood, bits of fishing net, etc. and, ...

Day Thirty-one

An Üdnegves Dedh Warn Ügens De Yow ew. Ma mis nowydh o talla (talleth). Gorfednys ew mis Genver. Lebmyn thew mis Whevrel. Henwys ew an mis ma en Sowsnek warlergh “februum” an ger Latin rag pürheans. Mis berr ew Whevrel: nag eus bes eth dedh warn ügens dhodho e’n vledhen ma (ha naw dedh warn ügens en bledhen labm). It’s Thursday. A new month is starting. January is finished. Now it is February. This month is named after “februum” the Latin word for purification. February is a short month: it only has 28 days this year (and 29 days in a leap year).