
Showing posts from January, 2018

Day Thirty

An Degves Dedh Warn Ügens De Merher, üdnegves warn ügens a vis Genver. Hebm ew an diwettha dedh mis Genver. Ew an jedh ma arbednek war neb coor? Nag ew an jedh arbednek, saw e vedh wharvos terweythüs haneth en nos. Nei a wra gweles gor loor las. Wednesday, 31 st January. This is the last day of January. Is this day special in some way? The day is not special, but there will be a rare event tonight. We will see a blue super moon. Pandr’ew loor las? Thew loor las an nessa loor leun en mis calender. Ma lavar “eneth en loor las” rag wharvos terweythüs. An kensa loor leun en mis Genver a veu Calan Genver. An gwella pres dhe weles an gor loor las ma en Kernow a vedh dew ar glogh (diw eur) e’n mettin (po nag eus cloud). What is a blue moon? A blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. There is a saying “once in a blue moon” for a rare event. The first full moon in January was New Year’s Day. The best time to see this super blue moon in Cornwall will be about two o’cloc...

Day Twenty-nine

An Nawhes Dedh Warn Ügens De Meurth ew, an degvas (degves) warn ügens a vis Genver. Ma pemp de Meurth e’n mis ma. De a veu de Lün. Thera pemp de Lün e’n mis ma. Avorow a vedh an pempes de Merher e’n mis ma. It’s Tuesday, the 30 th January. There are five Tuesdays in this month. Yesterday was Monday. There were five Mondays in this month. Tomorrow will be the fifth Wednesday in this month. A vedh pemp de Lün en mis aral? Entei. E vedh pemp de Lün en mis Ebrel ha’n mis Gorefan (Goreffen) ha’n mis Hedra ha’n mis Kevardhû. Endella, pemp mis gen pemp de Lün. En pecar maner e vedh trei mis moy gen pemp de Meurth (mis Me, mis Efan ha mis Hedra). Na vedh pemp de Merher moy e’n mis bys en mis Me. Nena mis Est ha mis Dû a wra senjy pemp de Merher moy an dhew. Will there be five Mondays in another month? Certainly. There will be five Mondays in April and in July and in October and in December. Thus, five months with five Mondays. Similarly, there will be three more months with five Tu...

Day Twenty-eight

An Ethves Dedh Warn Ügens De Lün ew, an nawas (nawhes) warn ügens a vis Genver. Mettin avarr ew lebmyn ha na wrüga vy còsca etta (en ta) drefen boas flehes e’n chei. Anjei a’m difünas nebes gweyth. Lebmyn, e’n gwettha pres, thens whath en còsk ha me a wrüg sevel emann. It’s Monday, the 29 th January. It is early morning now and I did not sleep well because there are children in the house. They woke me up several times. Now, unfortunately, they are still asleep and I have got up.     Pedn bloodh ew o mab. Bloodh ev ew nawnjek (nownjek) warn ügens. Soweth, na ell ev boas trigys en Kernow. Nei a wra kefewya scon. It’s my son’s birthday. He’s 39. Sadly, he can’t live in Cornwall. We will celebrate soon.

Day Twenty-seven

An Seythves Dedh Warn Ügens De Sül ew, an ethas (ethves) warn ügens a vis Genver. Hedhyw o hogstog (pur vesy). Nag era dhebm termyn luk (lowr) dhe scrifa lies ger. It’s Sunday, the 28 th January. Today was very busy. I didn’t have enough time to write many words.     

Day Twenty-six

An Wheffes Dedh Warn Ügens De Sadorn ew, an seythves warn ügens a vis Genver. En gwav, glaw a wra en Kernow. Terweythyow ma howl ha terweythyow ma keser saw, del ew ûsys, nag eus ergh dhe nei. Agan ayredh en Kernow ew moy clôr es hedna en Alban. Na ellen nei skia war an menedhyow.   It’s Saturday, the 27 th January. In winter it rains in Cornwall. Sometimes there is sun and sometimes there is hail but, usually, we do not have snow. Our climate in Cornwall is milder than that in Scotland. We can’t ski on the hills/mountains.      Jorna gleb o ev hedhyw ha res o dhebm moas mes. Me a gerras (gerdhas) dres oll an dowr dhe’n kyttrinva (savla buss). Pe le wrüga vy moas? Truru – rag cuntellyans Bewnans Kernow, bagas rag oll cowethyanjow gonisogethel a Gernow. Establissys ewa nanj ew deg bledhen. Ma esely o comprehendya tüs dhort hendhesconieth, omdowl, adhescans, an tavas Kernôwek, hag erel.    It was a wet day today and I had to go out. I walked...

Day Twenty-five

An Pempes Dedh Warn Ügens De Gwener ew, an wheffes warn ügens a vis Genver. Cas ew genam prei ha cas ew genam whenn ewedh. Ma plenteth a’n dhew et o lowarth. Ma whenn o tevy oll adro dhe’n ben o stüdhla ha ma’n predn o talla podry. It’s Friday, the 26 th January. I hate mud and I hate weeds as well. There is plenty of both in my garden. Weeds are growing all round the base of my studio and the wood is starting to rot.     Me a spendyas nebes our e’n lowarth hedhyw. Me a wrüg palas ha tedna ha lebmyn nag eus whenn seul. Me ell payntya an predn gen oyl rag y witha. Ma odhom dhebm a nebes moy vel oyl dhe witha vy o honan! I spent several hours in the garden today. I dug and pulled and now there are not so many weeds. I can paint the wood with oil to preserve it. I need something more than oil to preserve myself!

Day Twenty-four

An Pajwora Dedh Warn Ügens De Yow ew, an pempes warn ügensves a vis Genver. Ma gwelys genam trei ehen moy a edhen reb an veister (fenester) kegin: tynk, gòlvan to ha g ò lvan ke. Gelwys ens oll “heckamola”. It’s Thursday, the 25 th January. I have seen three more types of bird by the kitchen window: chaffinch, house sparrow and dunnock (hedge sparrow). They are all called “dicky bird”.    Ma clowys genam hedhyw penglow broas o càna e’n ke, saw na aljama y weles. “Dyscar, dyscar, dyscar,” emedh ev! Terweythyow ma va o toas dhe’n bord edhyn. I have heard a great tit singing in the hedge today, but I couldn’t see it. It said “teacher, teacher, teacher”! Sometimes it comes to the bird table.

Day Twenty-three

An Tryja Dedh Warn Ügens De Merher ew, an pajwora warn ügensves a vis Genver. Thera rüdhek e’n losowjy. Devedhys veu va der lappa cathes terrys. Me a gachyas an edhen bian gen diwla ha’n gorra mes der an daras. Ev a darneyjas kerr. Lebmen mava o càna e’n ke.  It’s Wednesday, the 24 th January. There was a robin in the conservatory. It had come through a broken cat flap. I caught the little bird with two hands and put it out through the door. It flapped away. Now it is singing in the hedge. Degensete me a welas edhen bian aral reb pollen. Tho hei gwradn. Na wrüg hei besca (byscath) doas dhe’n bord edhnow. Martesen nag ew da genjy has. The day before yesterday I saw another little bird by a puddle. It was a wren. She has never come to the bird table. Perhaps she does not like seeds.

Day Twenty-two

An Nessa Dedh Warn Ügens De Meurth ew, an tryja warn ügensves a vis Genver. Pedn bloodh o noyth (nith) ew.  Me a dhavonas carten dhedhy ha me a fonyas. Soweth, nag üjy hei en Kernow. It’s Tuesday, the 23 rd January. It is my niece’s birthday. I sent her a card and I phoned. Sadly, she is not in Cornwall. Cas ew genam glaw. Cas ew genam prei (leys)! Ma prei e’n vownder. Ma prei et agan garth. Treylys dhe brei ew an glesin. Ma prei en pub le aves dhe’n chei.   I hate rain. I hate mud! There is mud in the lane. There is mud in our yard. The lawn is turned to mud. Mud is everywhere outside the house. Soweth, ma prei e’n chei ewedh. Ma prei war agan skijyow. Nei a ell rutya agan dewdrus (treys) nei war strel po gara agan skijyow reb an daras (kenth o nei pedn scàv) . Sadly, there is mud in the house as well. There is mud on our shoes. We can wipe our feet on a mat or leave our shoes by the door (although we are forgetful). Ma prei war dreys an kei (ha thew hei bes...


Kensa Dedh Warn Ügens De Lün ew, an nessa warn ügensves a vis Genver. Hedhyw vettin thera howl ha me a veu lôwen. Me a gerras (gerdhas) adro dhe’n lôwarth vy ha me a veu lôwen. It’s Monday, the 22 nd January. There was sun this morning and I was happy. I walked round my garden and I was happy. Nag üjy an howl o spladna na fella, saw lôwen o vy whath. Rag fra (Praga)? Drefen boas flourys et o lôwarth: lies flour kigliw ha nebes flourys melyn ha rüdh. The sun is no longer shining, but I am still happy. Why? Because there are flowers in my garden: lots of pink flowers and a few yellow and red flowers. Ma prisk camellia dhebm. Anjei a florysh en Kernow. Onan broas ew gorerys gen flourys kigliw. Ma dhe brisken vian pemp flour rüdh. Dadn an prisk ma brially melyn o cüdha. I have camellia bushes. They flourish in Cornwall. A big one is covered in pink flowers. A little bush has five red flowers. Under the bushes yellow primroses are hiding.

Day Twenty

An Ügensves Dedh De Sül ew, an kensa warn ügensves a vis Genver. Fatel o an gewer hedhyw? Nag o hei yeyn ha nag era gwens crev. Na aljama gweles an mor. Thera gîv scàv. Tho an ayr reb an mor leun a dhowr, avel niwl po cobmol isel. It’s Sunday, the 21 st January. How was the weather today? It wasn’t cold and there wasn’t a strong wind. I could not see the sea. There was light drizzle. The air by the sea was full of water, like mist or low cloud. Re skith oma dhe scrifa lies ger haneth. Der hedna me a wra moas dhe’n gwely. Nos da! I am too tired to write many words tonight. As a result of that I am going to bed. Good night!

Day Nineteen

An Nownjegves Dedh De Sadorn ew, an ügensves a vis Genver. Üdn jorna loos moy. Dedh tipek a’n mis ma. Dedh da lowr ew dhe wül golgh, saw nag ew dedh da rag sehans. It’s Saturday, the 20 th January. One more grey day. A typical day of this month. It’s a fairly good day to do washing, but it’s not a good day for drying. Terweythyow tho vy sowdhenys tredh nebes geryow. Eus dhe whei an keth caletter? Ottobma rol a nebes anedhans. Sometimes I am confused between some words. Do you have the same problem? Here’s a list of some of them. treth noun m (or adjective) beach, sand, seaside dreth lenited treth e.g. in cador dreth deck chair                                   Tywardreath famous place name (pre SWF) dres   preposition/adverb beyond, over, through, during, past       ...

Day Eighteen

An Ethdegves Dedh De Gwener ew, an nownjegves a vis Genver. Üdn jorna yeyn ha gwenjek moy. Nag ewa da genam ha nag ew da gen an kei. Nag ew da gen agan diw gath naneyl. It’s Friday, the 19 th January. One more cold and windy day. I don’t like it and the dog doesn’t like it. Our two cats don’t like it either. Lebmyn ma’n kei o còsca e’n parledh, ma üdn gath o còsca e’n gegin ha ma’n gath aral o còsca war an stayrys. Da ew ganjans oll boas cles (klys). Res ew dhen perthy co erghi oyl moy rag an jynn tobma. Now the dog is sleeping in the parlour, one cat is sleeping in the kitchen and the other cat is sleeping on the stairs. They all like to be cosy. We must remember to order more oil for the heater. Na wrüga vy moas mes de, na wrüga vy moas mes hedhyw ha na wra vy moas mes avorow. Rag fra na? (Prag na?) Clàv oma. Therama o pasa heb lett. A wra vy moas mes trenja? Piw or? (Piw a wor?) I did not go out yesterday, I did not go out today and I will not go out tomorrow. Why no...

Day Seventeen

An Seytegves Dedh De Yow ew, an ethdegves a vis Genver. Rag fra ew an jedh henwys “de Yow” en Kernôwek? Gelwys ewa warlergh “Jove”, düw Rôman an ebòrn. En Sowsnek thew an jedh gelwys warlergh düw Noor: “Thor” ew düw an  taran. It’s Thursday, the 18 th January. Why is the day named “de Yow” in Cornish? It’s called after “Jove”, the Roman god of the sky. In English  the day is called after a Norse god: “Thor” is the god of thunder. Nag o vy lôwen hedhyw. Nag ew teg an gewer, ha nag eus o ehes dhebm. Ma drog branja (bryansen) dhebm. Me a venja moas mes bes na ellama. Res veu dhe’n gour vy kerdhes gen an kei y honan.    I am not happy today. The weather is not lovely, and I am not well (I do not have my health). I have a sore throat. I would like to go out but I can’t. My husband had to walk with the dog himself. Nag eus ewl voos dhebm hedhyw. Me a wrüg fittya cowl losow, saw nag eus whans dhebm y dhebry. Martesen me a vedn debry dehen rew et y le. I ...

Day Sixteen

An Whetegves Dedh De Merher, an seythdegvas (seytegves) dedh a vis Genver ew. Thera vy o scrifa an radn ma en mettin avarr. Whath thew dû an eborn. Ma’n gwens o whetha oll adro dhe’n chei. Me ell clowes (klewes) an flehes dhort an bargen tir o kerres (kerdhes) reb an chei. Anjei a wra kemeres aga buss dhe scol. It’s Wednesday, the seventeenth day of January. I am writing this part early in the morning. The sky is still dark. The wind is blowing all round the house. I can hear the children from the farm walking by the house. They are going to get their bus to school. Thew moy diwettha lebmyn. Me a veras mes dhe’n lôwarth. Soweth, ma clos war an leur. Whethys veu va dhe’n dor gans an gwens. Sqwachys ew. Onpossybyl ew y dherevel arta. Ma odhom dhen a roos metol po plastek et y le.  It’s later now. I looked out to the garden. Sadly, there is a fence panel on the ground. It was blown down by the wind. It’s smashed. It’s impossible to put it up again. We need metal or plasti...

Day Fifteen

An Pemdhegves Dedh An whetegves a vis Genver. Fatel ew an gewer hedhyw? Kemyskys ew hei. Terweythyow thew howlyek ha terweythyow ma keser. Res ew dhen kerres (kerdhes) tredh cawasow. Ha oll an termyn ma gwens. Calish (kales) ew kerres warbidn an gwens. 16 th January. What’s the weather like today? It’s mixed. Sometimes it’s sunny and sometimes there is hail. We have to walk between showers. And there is wind all the time. It is difficult walking against the wind. Me a worras towellow o mergh wydn e’n jynn golhy. Lebmyn ma odhom dhebm a wòrtos. Nessa me a wra golhy hy liednow ha nena hy dillas. Saw fatel ellama seha pub tra? Diswres ew o linen wolhas gans an gwens.        I put my granddaughter’s towels in the washing machine. Now I need to wait. Next I will wash her sheets and then her clothes. But how can I dry everything? My washing line has been destroyed by the wind. Ma’n gwens o whetha war an mor. Glas ew an mor hedhyw. Nei ell leverel he...

Day Fourteen

An Pajerdegves Dedh An pemdhegves a vis Genver. Thera gwens (gwyns) crev ha yeyn hedhyw. Na wrüga vy moas mes bes rag pols bian gans an kei. Thera odhom dhebm a dhillas tòbm. 15 th January. There was a strong, cold wind today. I only went out for a little while with the dog. I needed warm clothes. Thera omweloryon genen newher. Agan flehes wydn yonk a wrüg còsca e’n chambour bian. Ma ostyades genen hedhyw ewedh. Gellys (gyllys) ew an flehes vian saw lebmyn ma ’gan mergh wydn broas (owth) ostya nebes dedhyow.    We had visitors last night. Our young grandchildren slept in the little bedroom. We have a visitor today as well. The little children are gone but now our big granddaughter is staying for a few days. Ma hei o chanjya chei. Pur leb ew hy ranjy coth. Ma cosk o tevy war an vosow (fosow). Losys ew hy gwily dedh. Res ew dhedhy gòrtos rag ranjy nowydh. En kettermyn ma dres genjy (gensy) hy dillas dhe wolhy! She is moving house. Her old flat is very damp. Ther...

Day Thirteen

An Terdhegves Dedh An pajerdegves (peswardhegves) a vis Genver. Howl a wra en Kernow. Òja üthik (euthyk) jorna de, hedhyw thew dedh pur wheg. 14 th January. The sun shines in Cornwall. After a terrible day yesterday, it’s a very nice day today. Leun ew o heren dhowr, saw nag eus odhom dhebm a dhowrhe an lôwarth. My water butt is full, but I don’t need to water the garden. Me a veu inspirys gans o bagas scrifers de. Me a vedn gwil (gül) whel moy gans o whedhel rag flehes. Pegebmys hes ew lever? I was inspired by my writers group yesterday. I will do more work with my story for children. How long is a book? Ort an bres o hothmans, thew lever dew ha hanter cans po trei cans folen. Gen trei ha hanter cans ger war bub folen, hedn ew adro dhe dheg ha pajer ügens mil po cans mil sobmen. Ellama scrifa cans mil ger? Piw a or (wor)? Na ora vy. According to my friends, a book is 250 or 300 pages. With 350 words on each page that is about 90,000 or 100,000 words in total. Can...

Day Twelve

An Dewdhegves Dedh An terdhegves a vis Genver. Glaw a wra en Kernow. Thera glaw poos dres nos ha thera glaw dres an jorna ewedh. Rag hedna thera dowr o resek an vorr (fordh) war nans pecar’a ryver. E’n tre vian Cookes thera venten (fenten) e’n vorr. 13 th January. It rains in Cornwall. There was heavy rain overnight and there was rain all day long as well. Therefore there was water running down the road like a river. In Cocks hamlet there was a spring in the road. Gweskys (gwiskys) en cota stanch ha gen botas hir ha glawlen me a gerras (gerdhas) dredh an dowr dhe’n savla buss reb an mor. Bohes gleb o vy! Dressed in a waterproof coat and with tall boots and an umbrella, I walked through the water to the bus stop by the sea. I was slightly wet! Hedhyw, me eth dhe Falmeth (gen dew gyttrin). Tho vy esel bagas scriforyon. Thera nei o metya pub mis dhe gows adro dhe levrow, gis scrifa, hag erel. Thera nei o scrifa warbarth ha eva te ewedh. E’n hav nei a wra sedha e’n lôwarth po...

Day Eleven

An Üdnegves Dedh An dewdhegves a vis Genver. Ma seyth dedh en seythen. Pandr’ew an kensa dedh an seythen? Üjy va de Lün po de Sül? De Gwener ew hedhyw. Hebma ew an diwettha dedh an seythen obery (rag lies person). 12 th January. There are seven days in a week. What is the first day of the week? Is it Monday or Sunday? Friday is the last day of the working week (for many people). Me a varhasnas de, saw hedhyw nag era vy o moas mes. Ma an ò s ha pas genam. Therama o còrtos tre ha debry lies lozanj pas! I went shopping yesterday, but today I am not going out. I have a cold and a cough. I’m staying in and eating lots of cough sweets! E’n kydnyadh me a guntellas lies aval. Thens fittyes lebmyn ha gwithys en stifer. Scon, me a vedn gwil cramp òth en avalow rag o gour. In the autumn I picked lots of apples. They are prepared and stored in the freezer. Soon, I will make an apple pie for my husband.

Day Ten

An Degves Dedh De Yow, an üdnegves a vis Genver. Hedhyw tho jorna teg arta. Gordhûher ew lebmyn ha gyllys ew an howl. Yeyn ew drefen nag ew comolek. Thursday, 11 th January. It was a lovely day again today. It’s evening now and the sun is gone. It’s cold because it’s not cloudy. Me eth dhe Tewyn Plüstry e’n mettin rag whiles shoppa gravyer. Ma dhebm hanath arhans rag clappya Kernôwek. Res o dhodho boas gravys gans o hanow warnodho. An den wheg a’n polsyas ragam ewedh. I went to Newquay in the morning to look for an engraver’s shop. I have a silver goblet for speaking Cornish. It had to be engraved with my name on it. The kind man polished it for me as well. Nessa, res ew dhebm kemeres an hanath dhe venyn en Truru kens an kesstrif en mis Meurth 2018. Next, I must take the cup to a woman in Truro before the competition in March 2018.

Day Nine

An Nawhes Dedh De Merher, an degves a vis Genver. Rag fra “Merher”? Piw po pandr’ew Merher? Wednesday, 10 th January. Why “Mercury”? Who or what is Mercury? An behatna planet et agan Kevreyth Howlek ew (h'an nessa dhe’n howl). Düw Rôman o ev ewedh, messejer an dhüwow. It is the smallest planet in our Solar System (and closest to the sun). He was also a Roman god, the messenger of the gods. Jorna teg o hedhyw. An howl a spladna ha nag o bes bohes gwenjek. Today was a lovely day. The sun shone and it was only slightly windy. Me a whithras o stüdhla. Thera nebes damach dhe’n to ha me a gavas dowr a jei. An hager awel a wrüg lôwsel kentrow. E veu odhom dhebm a vorthol ha skeul.   I checked my studio. There was some damage to the roof and I found water inside. The storm had loosened nails. I needed a hammer and a ladder.

Day Eight

An Ethves Dedh An nawhes dedh a vis Genver. De Meurth ew arta. Gelwys ew an jedh en Sowsnek warlergh Tiw po Tyr, düw Noor an omdowl üdnik. The 9th day of January. It’s Tuesday again. The day is named in English after Tiw or Tyr, northern (Norse) god of single combat. Saw en Kernôwek, thew an jedh gelwys warlergh Meurth, ha nag ew Meurth düw Noor. Düw Rôman ewa; düw an vresel. But in Cornish, the day is named after Mars, and Mars is not a Norse god. He’s a Roman god; the god of war. Hedhyw, me a dhifünas seyth ar glogh. Òja debry li, me a gerdhas mildir ha hanter dhe’n savla buss niver seyth ha pajar ügens. Me a wrüg sedha en kyttrin ha redya hanter cans mynysen. Today, I woke up at seven o’clock. After eating breakfast, I walked a mile and a half to the number 87 bus stop. I sat on the bus and read for 50 minutes. E veu cuntellyans hedhyw. Me a vetyas gen esely erel an bagas Rosweyth en Lys Kernow. Ma oll bagasow an tavas Kernôwek owth obery warbarth (en le a argya). ...

Day Seven

An Seythves Dedh De Lün, an ethves a vis Genver ew. Gelwys ew an jedh en Kernôwek warlergh Luna, düwes Rôman an loor, pecar dr’ewa en Sowsnek. It’s Monday, 8th January. The day is named in Cornish after Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon, as it is in English. E veu dhen diw nos rewys en seythen eus passyes, saw nag era rew hedhyw. Yeyn lowr o an gwens bes nag o yeyn lowr rag rew. Nag era dhe’n kei bes kerdh berr e’n dohajedh. We had two icy nights last week, but there was no frost today. The wind was quite cold but it was not cold enough for frost. The dog only had a short walk in the afternoon. Re yeyn o rag gonis e’n l ô warth. Rag hedna nei a wrüg lav ü rya e’n chei – payntya an fosow reb an grisyow. Agan flehes gwydn a wrüg “tekhe” anjei gen crayons ha choclat.   It was too cold for working in the garden. Therefore we worked in the house – painting the walls by the stairs. Our grandchildren had “decorated” them with crayons and chocolate.

Day Six

Wheffes Dedh De Sül, seythves mis Genver ew. Gelwys ew an jedh en Kernôwek rag Sol, düw R ô man an howl, pecar dr’ewa en Sowsnek. It’s Sunday, 7th January. The day is named in Cornish for Sol, the Roman god of the sun, as it is in English. Fatel o an gewer de? An howl a spladnas ha thera routh veur war an treth en Ti war’n Heyl. Fatel o an gewer hedhyw? Kehaval. What was the weather like yesterday? The sun shone and there was a great crowd on the beach in Perranporth. How was the weather today? The same. Òja an hager awel thera chanjyans dhe’n treth. (Golhys dhe ves a veu radn an treth.) Thera whans dhe’n düs a vires orto. After the storm there was a change to the beach. (Part of the sand was washed away.) The people wanted to look at it. Thera jynn palas o palas treth mes an dowr ha gorra ev en bernyow. Pur vesy o an tavern! A digger was digging sand out of the river and putting it in heaps. The pub was very busy!

Day Five

Pempes Dedh De Sadorn, an wheffes a vis Genver ew. Pecar dr’ewa en Sowsnek, gelwys ew an jedh rag Sadorn, düw  Rôman   an termyn. It’s Saturday, 6th January.  As it is in English, the day is named for Saturn, the Roman god of time. An Dhewdhegves Dedh ew – dewdhek dedh òja Nadelik. Deg ò l Stool ew; ma hebma o colyas visityans an Trei Den Für dhe’n flogh Jesus en Bethlem. It’s the Twelfth Day – twelve days after Christmas. It’s Epiphany; this celebrates the visit of the Three Wise Men to the child Jesus in Bethlehem. Newher a veu an Dhewdhegves Nos. Termyn ew dhe worra oll an garlons Nadelik en kistednow terebo nessa bledhen. Last night was Twelfth Night. It is time to put all the Christmas decorations in boxes until next year. 

Day Four

An Pajwora Dedh Pempes mis Genver ew. De Gwener ew hedhyw, gelwys en Kernôwek rag Gwener, düwes  R ô man  a gerenja. It’s 5th January.  It’s Friday today, named in Cornish for Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Gordhûher ew lebmyn ha cler ew an ebòrn, heb cloudys. Me ell gweles ster, lies steren. An grügys Orion ew spladn. It’s evening now and the sky is clear, without clouds. I can see stars, many stars. Orion’s belt is bright. Fatel o an gewer an jorna-ma? Meskys o hei. Thera golow an howl, hager gawasow ha keser. How was the weather today? It was mixed. There was sunshine, heavy showers and hail. E’n dohajedh, nei eth mes gen dew gei segh, ha dheuth arta gleb, gen dew gei gleb e’n keth maner. In the afternoon, we went out with two dry dogs, and came back wet, with two similarly wet dogs. Nag ew da an gewer ma gans agan keun. Nag ew hei da gans an cathas naneyl. Gwell ew ganjans gòrtos e’n chei tòbm.   Our dogs do not like this weather. Neith...

Day Three

An Tryja Dedh Gwav ew an  sêson .  Genver ew an mis, gelwys warlergh Janus, düw  R ô man  gen diw vejeth, düw an darjow. Winter is the season. January is the month, named after Janus, the Roman god with two faces, the god of doors. Hedhyw thew an pajwora jorna a vis Genver, ha jorna teg ew en Peran Treth. Today is the fourth day of January, and it’s a lovely day in Perranzabuloe. Gellys ew an gwens ha’n glaw. Howl a wra. Nag ew yeyn. Gone are the wind and the rain. The sun shines. It’s not cold. Ma to whath dhe’n chei ha ma’n cl ò jow a'ga sav.  Nag üjans dhe wòles, ha nag üjy an gwedh dhe wòles naneyl. The house still has a roof and the fence panels are standing. They are not down, and neither are the trees down.